Chapter 2: The Lunch Date

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Izuku walked through the doors of the 12 Pillar Hero agency. He saw the front desk and the statues of the members of the team. Izuku always thought his statue made him look shorter than the other pillars. He looked at the clock. 1 hour until his date with Uraraka. He had just gotten back from a fight with a villain that could breath fire like his dad, but unlike the father of the new Symbol of Peace, this man had scales and large teeth. Mineta had a habit of giving the villains he and the other pillars dealt with nick-names. This one was dragon-born. His costume was pretty singed, so he decided to change, and then drop his costume off at Hatsume's lab for repairs. He looked in the mirror. A white dress shirt and blazer was the only thing he had time for before he had to leave. He also needed to write a mission report on the fight with dragon-born. After 30 minutes, he had written an at least half-decent mission report. He looked at the clock. 11:50. Ten minutes to lunch. He decided to message Uraraka and see if she was ready.

Their message thread

Smol-Might (Izuku): Hey Ura! You ready?

Floaty (Ochaco): yep! I'll meet you in the lobby.

Smol-Might (Izuku): Great! See ya soon!

Izuku took one last look in the mirror and went down to the lobby. The elevator stopped halfway down, and Chargebolt walked in.

"How come you're all dressed up?"

"I've got a lunch date with-"

He was cut off "Uravity?"

Izuku blushed at his electric friend. "Is it that obvious?"

"Dude, it's been obvious for 5 years! We've known since your first fight with Blast. You were hopeless"

"I was pretty hopeless back then. I was an awkward, mumbling mess."

"You still kind of are. You mumble a lot. The only time your not awkward is on the battlefield. Just be yourself. The chemistry between you two is as obvious as Asui's quirk." His friend slapped Izuku on the back playfully and exited the elevator. Izuku rode the rest of the way down to the lobby waiting nervously. What if he spilled? What if he accidentally hurt her? What if he stuttered too much? Or tried confessing his feelings to her and it came off as forceful? Or if she just wanted to be friends? No. He had to stay positive. All Might always faced challenges with a smile. So he had to do the same. Be positive and be the smiling symbol of peace. He exited the elevator and saw Uraraka in a black dress and white sweater. He blushed at how good she looked.

"H-h-hey Ura! Y-you look nice!"

She blushed at his compliment. "Thanks. You look nice too. You ready?"

"Y-yeah. Let's go."

She took his arm and Izuku blushed immediately as a reaction. He eventually went with it, and walked her to the café. When they got there, the café was relatively empty. Guess they were before the lunch rush. Then again, this place wasn't as popular as it was when the two were in high school. They decided to order the shrimp wheel and share it. They talked about recent missions, and the situation at UA. Izuku was surprised when he heard that Jirou, one of the most cold girls in his old class, was a homeroom hero course teacher. She never was a people person.

After they finished, Izuku looked at his watch, and saw that he had another hour before they had to go back to work. They both decided to go to the park. It was nice for the two to catch up. Even in the 3 years they had been reunited, they seldom got time to talk.

"Hey, Deku, er, Midoryia. I've... really missed this. Just the two of us hanging out. Feels like old times."

Izuku felt something warm enter his hand. He looked down and saw Ochaco's hand in his. He blushed at first, but held her hand as well.

"Hey, Ura?"

"Yeah, Midoryia?"

"I... I'm glad I got to spend with you. You really haven't changed much. Your still the same sweet girl who saved me at the entrance exam."


"Ura, you are the sweetest girl I've ever met. You're smart, caring, considerate, and beautiful. You're an amazing hero. And I just wanted to say that... that... THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!"

Ochacos face flushed, and she looked into Izukus green eyes. "R-really?"

"Really, Ochaco. I really feel that way."

Ochaco's heart soared. She gave Izuku the biggest smile. Izuku felt like he could look at her smile forever. But then the smile left. " Izuku, I feel the same way. But, wouldn't a weak hero like me just slow you down? You're the symbol of peace. You're so positive, and resourceful. You're a much better hero than me. I don't want to make you as bad of a hero as me."

"WHY WOULD YOU EVER THINK THAT?! You're one of the Twelve Pillars! Ranked #4 of 12 of the greatest heroes! Rankings may not mean much, but to me, I think you deserve to share the spot of #1 hero with me."

His words deeply touched Ochaco, and she embraced him out of pure happiness. "I'm in love with you too. Izuku."

The two sat there for 20 minutes and then decided to go back to work. They walked back hand in hand.

"Hey, Ura? Does this make us a couple?"

"Yeah! Definitely!"

Izuku pulled Ochaco into an embrace. He had finally done it. After all these years, he had done what few heroes could. Have the courage to confess his feelings to the girl he loves. They released the embrace and stared at each other for a while. Izuku stares into her beautiful hazelnut eyes, while she was lost in his forest green eyes. They came closer, closer, until finally, their lips met. Ochaco was surprised, but she eventually melted into Izuku's kiss. They pulled apart, and went back to the agency.

"That was amazing Izuku. We should definitely do it again."

"Sure! Maybe, Sunday evening? We could go see that new ninja movie, I think it was called Naruto or something. Would that work?"

"Yeah. That'd be perfect."

"Great. I'll pick you up at 7:00 then."

"Great. See ya then." She gave Izuku a quick peck on the check before heading back to her office. Izuku went to Hatsume's to grab his costume, and then went back to his office. But when he opened it, he was covered in confetti after hearing Kirishima, Kaminari, Todoroki, and Iida yell their congratulations to him. This was fine. After all, what happened with Ochaco was the only thing that mattered to him right now.

(A/N WAAZZAAAAAAAAAAP! Just a heads up, if you want to know more about any other characters mentioned and not explained, then consider watching My Hero Academia in between my updates. Thanks! Click all de buttons! Byeee)

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