Chapter 11: The Twelfth Pillar

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After Deku, Ingenium, and Fahrenheit entered that pipe, Lemillion took charge of the operation. They all entered the building, and saw nothing. Suddenly, they heard screaming through two of the many pipes. Trapdoors then opened underneath all of the pillars, sending them through more pipes. They each ended up in their own room underground. The rooms were quite large, and only two people stood in each.

A/N I personally hate Mineta, but he does have the potential to become a pretty good hero. I did this logically. Don't h8 too much. Also, viewer discretion is advised.

Mineta woke up. He was knocked out cold when he landed. He found that he was tied up in something. It was like someone had turned his pop-off balls into a thread. He looked down and saw a girl with long black hair, and a tight black leather suit. Mineta, being Mineta, stared at her figure. (A/N oh my dear lord save me. I hate writing this.)

"Well, hello Rape Juice. Been a while."

"First off, it's Grape Juice. Second, how do I know you again?"

She cackled. Mineta found that laugh far too familiar. This woman had been Mineta's number 1 fan until he told her she wasn't attractive enough. She had apparently been trying hard. "Kidoma? I heard you died in the All For One bombing."

"Still not attractive enough for you, huh? Your lucky I'm over it. Other wise I'd give you the most painful death possible. Instead, I'll make it quick."

She pulled out a knife and spun a web up to Mineta. She was close to him. Seductively close. She slowly put the knife to his neck. Mineta would've enjoyed the distance, but he remembered that he was a hero. He wasn't going to be like that anymore. He released a pop-off ball and used a special trick he had learned to expand it, putting some distance between him and the spidery villain. Luck was on the purple hero's side, and she had dropped the knife in his mouth. He cut his way out of the web, and used his Grape Vine attack to restrain her.

"Listen, I don't like what I said either. You would've been a good hero. We've both changed though. You however, took my path too far."

He then left her there, and started looking for a way out.

A/N and that's one chapter down. Like I said, these are going to be shorter, but I'm doing two of these per day. Click all de buttons! BYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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