Chapter 4: Searching

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Izuku looked at the monitor. Determined to find the man in the black mask. It couldn't have been All For One. He was still in the phantom zone cell at Taurturus. Izuku checked right after he was healed. The man used needles to concentrate his quirk, and he knew that it enhanced quirks to uncontrollable levels. The villain he had caught yesterday was still a bladed monster. They had to call in both Red Riot and Ironhide (tetsutetsu) to take him in. Although, after a week of searching, he found nothing. Not even a suit manufacturer. Izuku sighed and sat back in defeat. If this man was running loose, then we could be looking at another All for One. Or worse, another league of villains! Izuku looked at his watch. 10:21 PM. He still had time right? He began looking again when he heard a knock on his door. When he answered, he saw a concerned Uraraka standing there.

"Listen, Ura..." he was immediately cut off when she closed Izuku's laptop.

"Izuku, you can't do this to yourself."

"This man is dangerous Ura. He wasn't there by coincidence. I'm being forced to play his game. It's always better to be three steps ahead."

"Deku, come on. Not even Shinso's super-caffinated stuff will help. Honestly I think that stuff is toxic. Come home. This is the last night I can stay at your place and I want to make the most of it. Please?"

Izuku's heart got a nice squeeze and he finally conceded. "Alright. You win." To which Uraraka explodes with Euphoria. Izuku and Uraraka walked back to Izuku's small house.

"Alright, we're having a movie night and you're not working tomorrow."

"But tomorrow is..." he was cut off


Izuku tried coming up with a retort, but got nothing. He agreed and went to the microwave to get some popcorn. Him and Uraraka decided on Space Conflict marathon. Izuku brought the popcorn over and put a blanket over him and Uraraka. Uraraka snuggled into his chest as he put his arm around her. They skipped the prequels, because they both came to the conclusion that they were terrible. When they finished, it was two in the morning, and Uraraka was asleep on Izuku's chest. Izuku was getting tired himself, and he finally gave into sleep. Uraraka was right. Maybe he did deserve a break once in a while.

The man in the white suit stepped out of the black mist portal. The prison guards pulled out there guns and fired. But the bullets were all destroyed into 5 pieces each by a man in a black and white jester hat. The man in the suit then threw needles at each of the guards necks, killing them.

"Well done Shino. Your break quirk is quite useful."

"You're not too bad either, Zero."

"Can we focus you two?" Said an annoyed alchemist as he walked through the portal. His words barely audible through his gas mask.

"Oh, alchemist, you missed the fun" teased Shino.

"Let's go." Ordered Zero.

The three villains got to the mental help ward and started looking for their target. They found a cell with burn Mark's all over the door.

"This is him" they all said in unison.

Zero pressed his ear. "Malware, would you be so kind as to unlock the door?" He said as he inserted a needle into the electronic lock.

"Certainly sir." The needle glowed blue and became somewhat pixelly. The door creaked open to reveal a man with needles in his arms. They assumed it was acupuncture to keep him from moving. They were correct and it was working. They removed the needles one by one and the villain snapped awake. His hands burning, he looked up and said one thing

"Pain... is my maiden."

They were positive that he would fit right in with these psychopaths. Alchemist made a non-flammable gas that knocked him out so they could take him to the base without him burning everything to a crisp. The new league if villains, will rise very soon.

<back to Izuku>
Izuku came up to the CSI. The prison break last night was clearly the work of very powerful villains. When Izuku saw needles in the guards necks, he knew that the masked man was behind this, and that maybe, Izuku had a lead. What was more concerning was the only break out was a mass murderer with a fire based quirk. This lead Izuku ti believe that maybe the man was building a new league of villains. Izuku stepped into the prisoner's old cell. When he entered, he saw detective Tsukauchi.

"Hey detective. Any leads?"

"No, not any new ones. These needles don't belong to the masked man. These are acupuncture needles used to keep this man from moving. He was an insane masacist, so acupuncture was the only way to get him to concede to immobilization."

Izuku sighed in defeat. He wanted this to be seen, but he didn't want to be found just yet. "Ok. Thanks detective."

"Don't beat yourself up about this Deku. You've dealt with the old league of villains, so this one should be easier. Chin up."

Izuku was confident that he could find them, but scared. If the world had another league if villains on their hands, then things would only get more dangerous. He realized that the world needed more heroes. He decided it was time to pay a visit to his old school.

A/N Hey people. This chapter was a tad shorter, but I have people over so I had to write this quickly. Anyway, I got some support from a gr8 writer and I'm gonna pay her back by giving her a shout out. So... go check out UnderthePen! She is great writer. I recommend reading Conplete with You. It's what inspired me to write this story. Anyway, thanks for the read! Click all de buttons! Byeeeee!

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