Epilogue: Undefined Mistakes

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Izuku felt the velvet box in his pocket. It had been 2 years since the New League of Villains incident. Pro heroes were much more abundant. It went up to a 50-50 split between people with and without quirks. 30% of those were heroes, 18% villains, and the remaining 2% were people with quirks, but not heroes or villains. He remembered when he woke up next to her in the hospital after the incident. He wished it would happen every day. They had been living with each other for 6 months now. He thought it was finally time to make it official. He had planned a dinner at Sato's new restaurant. The twelve pillars became the More than 48 pillars. Sato was one of them, but his restaurant was his secondary job. He entered the restaurant. He was a tad late, but she wouldn't mind. When he got there, he saw Uraraka in a sparkling red dress. She was beautiful. She always was. Dinner was fun. They talked about work mostly. Some strange missions they had gone on, and a villain that vandalized by creating detailed statues out of large blocks of stone at construction sites.

After dinner, they walked around places that were important to them. The place they had their first kiss, the place he had asked her to live with him, and finally the place they first met. Outside of U.A.

"Hey, Zuzu, why'd you bring me here?" Zuzu was a nickname she gave him.

"I wanted to see if something else would start. Our relationship started here, and since that journey was satisfying, I want to start another one." He said as he removed the small box from his pocket. He bent down on one knee, and opened the box to reveal a ring with green and pink crystals next to each other. Ochaco put her hands over her mouth, trying to suppress a scream, and barely succeeding. Tears of joy filling her eyes.

"Ochaco Uraraka. Will you marry me?"

Izuku had his answer the moment she threw herself on to him, peppering him with kisses. They had both made mistakes, but they would always acknowledge them. Forever.

<Time skip brought to you by Domino's Pizza, cuz I got a job there. And viewers like you.>

Izuku and Ochaco got married, and soon became the top hero couple in the country. They had a daughter named Ayumi, who had a pyro-kinesis quirk. A few years later, Izuku passed One For All onto Ayumi's soon to be boyfriend, Takashi, who had lost his quirk when he was a baby during the AFO bomb, but was still determined to become a hero regardless.

But the most important thing, is that they were happy. They often wondered what would've happened if Izuku and Ochaco had gotten together earlier. But they didn't want anything to change. They were grateful for those Undefined Mistakes.

A/N: Wow. This story hit me in the feels so many times while writing it. My feels are in a body cast as a result. Guys, this was a great story. I'm super happy with how it turned out. I'm so proud of it, and really, thank you all so much for the support. Words cannot express my pride and gratitude. Click all de buttons, and Plus Ultra. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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