6 Next to You, Next to Me

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Lennon rapidly tapped her fingers against the steering wheel, trying to ease her nerves over the oncoming, late-February, snow storm, slowing traffic, and the need to get home since she’d received the call that the boys would be getting out of school early.

Like most people, she had made the mad dash to pick up milk, egg, and bread just in case they got snowed in for a few days. While she was out Eric’s assistant had called, requesting she pick up his dry cleaning in case he couldn’t get there before they closed.

It was while she was at the dry cleaner’s, on the opposite side of town, when she received the automated message informing her school was dismissing early due to increasing snowfall and no sight of it ceasing anytime soon.

As she hung up, she had looked at her watch and realized she had barely enough time to get back to the house on a clear day, let alone during an unrelenting snow storm.

The traffic eased forward slowly and she managed to reach the front of the line at the light before it changed. She stole another glance at her watch then resumed her nervous tapping, sending a quick prayer the bus was traveling just as slowly as she was.

The light changed and she crept forward, easing her tires into the turn, feeling them slide a little on the fresh, wet snow. She managed to keep the car under control, finishing the turn, and continuing her journey home. The light was a mere five minutes from her house, but conditions delayed her an additional five minutes and she breathed a sigh of relief when she finally pulled into the driveway – partly because she’d made it without incident, but also because the bus was just pulling up in front of their house as she pulled into the garage.

Leaving the groceries in her vehicle, she slipped out from under the garage door to meet the boys as they ran down the bus steps and across their front yard. Just before reaching her, Kent dropped to his knees, sliding the last foot on his knees, soaking his jeans with snow and mud.

Lennon refrained from yelling, waving at the bus driver as she closed the door and started the bus down the street to the next stop.

“We got out early!” Clayton announced, his eyes shining with excitement. “Can we play outside?”

“Sure. But, first you have to help me carry in a few groceries. Then, change your clothes.”

“Yay!” they both started jumping, screaming in unison with Kent pumping his fists in the air.

“Come on.” She led the way back into the garage, hitting the button for the door to descend once they were all inside. She handed each of them a bag of groceries and followed them inside through the side door, carrying Eric’s dry cleaning. It wasn’t until they had walked through the family room, living room, dining room, and finally the kitchen that she realized the boys still had on their boots. Melted snow and mud dotted their traveled path, ending where they had shook and kicked them off before running to change their clothes – bags of groceries sitting in the growing puddle of muddy water beside the boots.

Lennon inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly as she worked her way around their tracks, wondering why she even bothered since her socks were already soaked from when she first discovered the tracks by stepping in them.

She hung the dry cleaning on the hook on the back of their bedroom door and worked her way back to the kitchen. She was in the process of saving the groceries from the river of muddy water when the boys scrambled back in the kitchen, fighting about who could get in the closet and get their gloves, play coats, and hats on first.

Name calling, wrestling, and more name calling ensued until Lennon’s sharp voice cut through the ruckus. They finished gathering their outdoor clothes in silence until Clayton requested help with putting on the mittens. Finally dressed, they exited noisily, slamming the front door in their wake.

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