9 Just Smashing

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Lennon strolled towards Perk Up. Yoga had done nothing to calm her mind as it replayed Trevor leaning her the week before while she had leafed through his drawings for her children’s story.

She reached the door, opening it for a college couple who walked out arm in arm, a cup of coffee in their free hands. She stepped inside, blinking. The weather outside had been gorgeous with a hint of the oncoming spring in its blue sky and bright sun and only an occasional breeze.

Looking over at the group’s regular table she instantly locked eyes with Trevor. He nodded in her direction before turning to talk with Tara who was seated next to him. On his other side was Sean, with Rosa seated beside him and a free chair next to her.

She ordered her coffee, added the necessary cream and sugar and meandered around the small tables before joining them. Everyone was in high spirits, most likely brought on by the sunshine. The coffee with friends didn’t hurt, either.

Harry addressed the group, bringing everyone to focus as they transitioned from small talk to reading and feedback. Rosa started the session, reading the most recent chapter to her mature love story. Lennon was the first to comment, asking questions about the timeline that seemed to jump a little since her last reading. Rosa thumbed through the manuscript that she’d brought along but couldn’t find a definite time line in her notes,

“I’ll have to check that when I get home. I know I was planning on the commitment to begin in the spring but some of the events happen in the fall. If it happens the same year it’s too soon but too much time would transpire if I make it wait till the following year.”

“So, will you just fill in the time with more story?” Lennon asked.

“I don’t know, I’m going to have to think about it. I don’t want the story to get too tedious.”

Nobody had anything more to add, and the group was read to move on when suddenly a young woman long, brown hair in large curls approached the table.

“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she announced as she slid out a chair next to Harry. “Still recovering from all that traveling.”

“Lucy,” Harry practically jumped from his seat, folding the latecomer in a hug. It wasn’t long before Rosa and Sean and eventually even Trevor followed suit, the chatter of old friends filling the air around the table. Lennon sneaked a glance towards Ivy and Tara and realized they seemed as out of place as she felt.

Once the welcome settled, Harry called the group back to order,

“I apologize, Lennon, Ivy, Tara,” he looked towards each of them as he spoke their names, “Lucy here was one of the original from our first gathering a couple years ago and despite being a published author has continued to come back every year. She hasn’t been here yet this year because she was just finishing up a book tour. Needless to say, we’re all very happy to have her back.” Trevor, Rosa, and Sean nodded their agreement.

“Now, since not everyone knows everyone, maybe a little introduction is in order?” He looked towards the newest members of the group, expecting someone to start.

“Well, not that Harry here has left much for me to say, I guess I’ll start,” Lucy finally offered. “Yes, I’m a writer, just finished a small book tour, trying to get my feet wet since this is all so new to me. I have two cats, a male and female who are brother and sister and both fixed. And, that’s about it.”

“Only, she’s the reason I decided to start working on the book I’ve been reading her,” Rosa spoke up. Lucy smiled graciously at her,

“Awe, thanks.” She locked eyes with Lennon, and she took that as her cue to be next.

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