1 Yoga & Juice; Cookies and Milk

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“Inhale, reaching for the ceiling. Exhale, bend at the hips in head-to-knee. And breathe. Relax. Enjoy the feeling of inner peace and rejuvenation you’ve just gifted your body by completing today’s Yoga class.”

Lennon inhaled, only half listening to the yoga instructor’s voice as her 5’5” body relaxed into the pose out of habit, her brown hair threatening to slip out of its ponytail. She’d been attending the class since the middle of September, trying to fill the empty hours of her day since both her boys were now in school.

“And now, lower your body down, resting on your back for Savasana – final resting pose.”

Her body automatically followed the instructions and she settled into position on her mat, willing her mind to not wonder before the class was dismissed. Most days she managed to keep her mind quiet until after class; and, other days she struggled to stay present. Today was one of those days, the grocery list she’d forgotten on the refrigerator being today’s distraction of choice.

She all but sighed when the instructor closed the class and bid them all Namaste. She raised from her position and began rolling up her mat before making her exit.

“It can’t be that bad?”

Okay, maybe her sigh wasn’t as internal as she thought.

Gracie had her curvy, 5’9” frame bent over her own mat, rolling it then tucking it into her carrier.

“I need to go grocery shopping and I forgot my list. Just arguing with myself about the pros and cons of going back home or just winging it at the store.”

“Mmmm,” was Gracie’s only reply as she loosened her thick, black hair from her braid, letting it splay out across her shoulders and down past the middle of her back.

Lennon dragged her fingers through her own hair, attempting to tuck the loosened strands back into place. As much as she hated to drive back home it would mean the chance to freshen up before wondering around in public.

“So, no juice bar today?”

In early spring, the all-inclusive health spa Lennon and Gracie attended had expanded to provide juicing, using only 100% organic, local fruits and vegetables. And, most days after whatever class they attended they spent a half hour or longer enjoying a concoction while comparing their latest adventures in motherhood.

Lennon slung her own mat over her shoulder,

“I’ve got all day, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

They strolled out of the yoga room into an open gym, making their way to a door at the opposite end which opened to the main lobby. Once entering the lobby from the open gym the check in/out desk was on the left and the new juice counter and several small tables with either two of four settings for those who stuck around while drinking was on the other side.

“So, how’s it going?” Gracie asked once they were in line. Lennon knew she was referring having both boys in school. Her youngest was actually in second grade but had struggled through preschool and the teacher suggested holding him back. After much debate she and Eric had decided to homeschool with the help of a tutor, hoping the one-on-one attention would help. It actually took both kindergarten and first grade, but this year he finally joined his friends.

“Well, he’s doing great. It’s a little early to be completely sure, but I think he’s among the top of his class.”

“So, at home, all by yourself, all day. Must be great!” Gracie’s youngest of three was still too young for school.

“Careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”

Gracie gave a small laugh before she stepped up to the counter and greeted the associate waiting behind it. They both placed their order, paid, then made their way to a small table for two.

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