13 What a Woman Needs

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Lennon relaxed in final resting pose, her mind emptying with little effort on her part.  She inhaled deeply and released her breath slowly as she relaxed her body into her mat.

She had stayed at Trevor’s apartment until it was time to be home for the boys’ bus to arrive. As she stood at his door, zipping her jacket, he had leaned close, kissing her neck before murmuring that he wanted her to return the next day. Unfortunately, she had paperwork from the accident to deal with and Eric had made an appointment for her to meet with their lawyer to make sure all the information was in order. Just in case, he had said. She told Trevor with an apology and he’d said he understood before opening the door for her.

That was two days ago and she had wondered if she should have tried to visit in between all the running around because he hadn’t mentioned any other day he’d be available that week.

Still, despite everything she somehow managed to clear her mind from all of that during yoga; her body and mind feeling calm and more relaxed then she remembered it being in years.

The instructor closed the class and she exhaled one last long breath before opening her eyes. She looked around, realizing everyone else was already upright, rolling up their mats.

“That good?” Gracie asked when she saw her eyes were open.

“Yeah. I guess I needed that.” She tried to keep her tone light, still worried how much her indiscretion could be visible to her closest friend,

“I haven’t done anything for my body since Saturday.” She had been referencing missing yoga and Zumba earlier in the week but immediately felt chagrin when she realized the statement wasn’t entirely true. She ducked her head as she busied herself with her mat, hoping it wasn’t visible on her face but not wanting to take the chance. She gave a little shrug and mumbled, “It just felt good.”

“I’m sure.” Gracie nodded. If she thought Lennon was acting odd she didn’t let on. “You’re doing better than I think I would. Of course, I’m sure Eric has probably helped you a lot.”

To Lennon’s relief, Gracie didn’t wait for a response as she slipped her yoga mat over her shoulder and led Lennon out the door. They continued in silence, and were able to quickly place their order at the juice counter since no one was in front of them. They settled at a small table and Gracie asked her how she had been feeling.

“Mostly tired. I feel like I sleep a lot. Even go to bed early. Almost as soon as I get the boys down for the night.”

“I was reading something the other day about accident victims and it suggested massage for recovery.”

“Yeah, my mom mentioned that the other day when I was talking with her. Along with acupuncture. I was thinking about scheduling something.” She took a sip of her smoothie before adding, “She actually gave me a list of providers in the area.”

“And your car?”

“I’m still waiting to hear if it’s considered totaled then I can start the process of either getting it fixed or filing for the gap insurance and getting a new one.”

“That’s probably why you’re tired.”

They continued talking between sips until their cups were empty. Eventually they walked out together, across the parking lot to Gracie’s car, which was closest, and they said their goodbyes with a hug.

Lennon watched her drive off before heading towards her own car. As she got close she saw a slip of paper under the wiper and started to curse the meterperson. It wasn’t until she was close enough to slip it out from under its tucked position that it dawned on her - the parking lot was free to gym customers. She turned the paper over, unfolding it to reveal quick, squat handwriting:

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