11 Sizzle and Burn

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Her own fingers explored his already naked body and she felt the moan escape before she heard it. At the sound of her voice he broke the connection, standing up and stepping back,

“I’m, uh,” he seemed a bit disturbed as he stood before her. He looked away as he clasped his hand over his mouth and let it rest there for a few seconds before dragging it down over the semi-groomed beard on his chin. He glanced back at her,

 “I’m so sorry. I didn’t…” he sucked in another breath, not sure what to say.

“No.” She stood, embarrassed by her own actions. Tears burned behind her eyes as she fumbled for her shirt that had slipped to the floor. She picked it up and pressed the crumpled cloth close to her chest, covering her breast. She stumbled for the words, “I…shoulda…I shouldn’t’ve…it’s okay.”

The tears brimmed her eyes, the rejection hitting her harder than she thought possible.

“I just…I’m…sorry.” She blinked back the tears and took a step backwards, towards the door. What had she been thinking? He was, after all, a college guy surrounded by extremely thin and available college girls and she was thirty-one, with a body that had carried, birthed, nursed, and was run ragged by two boys.

“You don’t understand,” frustration laced his voice, “It’s not what you think.” He clasped his hands together, dragged them across the top of his head resting them at the nape of his neck,

“It’s not that I don’t want you.” he shook his head, “I’ve lusted your body since I saw you in the laundry mat.”

She stopped in her tracks at his confession. She met his smoldering, coal black eyes and could see the truth in them.

“Hell, I wrote about it! I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I was going to read it that first day we had the writing group.” His unlaced his fingers and let his hands drop back to his sides, “Then, I got there and there you were.”

He took a step towards her. She stayed planted, but squeezed her shirt tighter to her chest, trying to process what he was saying. Noticing the slight movement, he stopped his advance but continued speaking,

“I couldn’t believe my luck. And, I couldn’t read that day. Not with you there, listening. Do you remember?” She nodded in response.

“Then you kept coming to the group and I realized that I was just attracted your body but your confidence; you radiate the person you are inside. It’s the sexiest combination of body and mind I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”

He stopped talking and gazed off into the distance.

“Your husband’s a fool.” He nearly spat.

She knew she should be insulted for her husband, her marriage, but couldn’t muster the appropriate emotion as he continued, turning towards her,

 “He’s obviously forgotten how lucky he’s got it.”

He let out a ragged breath, holding her gaze. She waited for more but he was apparently done so she resumed her walk to the door, her shirt still crumpled against her chest. He reached out and grasped her arm,

“I would love nothing more than to ravish your body right now.”

“Then why did you stop?” she heard herself ask.

“You.” She shook her head at his response. She’d wanted it as much as he had.

“No, not you; but, the thought of ruining your life. This, whatever this happens to become, is temporary. I’m young, in college and will be leaving before summer, moving on to graduate school. You? You would have to return to your husband and kids knowing what you’ve done. While whatever could happen would be the best memories of my college years I can’t stand the thought that they would be the same ones to fill you with regret. Or shame.”

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