Beautiful and Peculiar

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Don't forget: beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies . . .

—Paulo Coelho

DAVEY ANGEL: On the roof of my duplex, I'm wondering if Anna can see these pink-and-lilac-threaded cumulus clouds right now. They dress the sun like swathing an orange baby star, here in the hood, about to be left exposed, but soon to be protected in the calking-size blue bed of the universe.

Carving a curvy A on this blue roof with a switchblade, an indelible Alondra, no, better — an irreplaceable Anna; she is simpler for my life, she is single, and besides beautiful - she's quite peculiar. Here, above the city, downtown can be seen, with its skyscrapers and fog almost blanketing it like a shawl; and a thought has stuck in my mind like a dandelion seed to my skin—Anna will be mine one day. We will dream of these downtown lights together and we will stand here on top of my duplex's roof one day drinking in the stars as I inhale her breath and kiss.

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