Chapter 6~Frisk Has A Nightmare

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Sans pov
I walk down stairs and see Papyrus cooking in the kitchen. He looked very worried when he saw me.

"Brother are you alright? Maybe you should stay at home today," Papyrus said as I sat down on a chair at our dinning table.

"I'll be fine bro I was just tired," I said giving him a reasureing smile. Paps smiled back at me.

"Well in that case..." Papyrus placed a plate of spaghetti infront of me.

"...Eat up!" He said cheerfully. I was glad that my brother was back to his normal self again. I took a spoon full of spaghetti and ate it.

Three weeks later

Frisk Pov
I sat down on my bed as Chara floated infront of me. Me and Chara were talking when Mom came into our room.

"My child, Asgore told me that Doctor Alphys is ready with the machine," Mom said with a soft tone.

"Mom are you alright? I can't help but notice that you've been quite lately. Is something wrong?" I ask, giving a concerned look at her.

"It's nothing for you to worry about my child," Mom says giving me a soft smile.

"So, the machine is ready to be used?" I ask. Mom nods.

"Doctor Alphys says that she will be waiting for us at the lab whenever we are ready," Mom tells me.

"Ok then," I say. Seeing as how it was night time doing it today would be out of the question so that means Chara and Asriel need to wait until tomorrow to be back to their normal selves. Mom wishes me goodnight before leaving my room.

I change into a black and white striped shirt before going to sleep, wishing Chara goodnight before I do.

When I opened my eyes and see a light yellow painted celing above me. I get up and look around the room. The walls were painted a similar colour as the celing, the floor was dark wood, there was two closets on ethier sides of the room and a dresser separating two beds, back packs were leaning up against the side of the beds, the room was much smaller than back at the castle. I realise this was a childhood memory, as I couldn't control my movements only my eyes. I walk out of my room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. I see my parents sitting down at the dinning table eating breakfast, I also see my twin sister patting the seat next to her inviting me to join them for breakfast. The rest of the dream was pretty boring nothing to interesting. When me and my twin sister reached school...well...that was a completly diffrent story. While me and my sister walked through the school hallways going to class all the students kept on making fun of us and throwing things at us. All the students at our school called us "the odd twins" because of how diffrent we were from them.

Class time was no diffrent from when we were in the hallways. As soon as it reached lunch time me and my sister ran outside to eat lunch because the kids wouldn't let us eat in the cafeteria. This day was diffrent though. There were a group of boys at our usual eating spot. They surounded us and started beating us up. My sister then took a fallen tree branch and started hitting them with it. The kids ran inside and told the teachers. When we got home our parents told me to go to my room as they scolded my sister. I went upstairs but didn't go to my room and listened to what they were saying. I knew what would happen next as I have had this dream many times before this. I felt my heart sink. Even after all these years I can never bare seeing what happens next. I crept down the steps and look over the railing making sure they couldn't see me. My Dad ran to the kitchen and came back with a knife. He pointed the knife to my sister who was backed up against the wall now. My Mom yelled at him to put down the knife. Dad and Mom continued to yell at each others throats. Mom cried out in pain as Dad swung the knife at her sclicing her cheek. I notice that my sister sliped out of the house as our parents fought. I followed her. I followed her up to Mount Ebbot. I watched as she walked to the opening of the cave, sat down, and cried. I watched from behind a few trees. I wanted to do something but couldn't move, just watch. I then watched as she noticed a hole. She walked over to it. She tripped over a vine...and fell in. I screamed and ran to catch her but it was too late. I saw her ruby red eyes look up at me. Her brown hair flowing covering her rosy red cheeks. Her green and yellow striped sweater was torn from when she was climbing up the mountian.


"Frisk? What is it? Whats wrong?" Chara asks.

"I-I had a nightmare thats all," I tell my twin.

"Was it about when I fell?" Chara asks me. I nod.

"Like I said before it's not your fault," Chara says.

"I know," I reply silently. As if right on cue Mom walks into the room.

"My child are you alright I heard screaming?" Mom asks worriedly. I tell her its nothing and we both walk out to have breakfast.

"So, Frisk are you ready to go to the lab," Dad asks. I nod.

After breakfast I change into my usual sweater and walk out to the hall and see Mom and Dad, Mom holding flowey, both of them looked at me and I give them a smile. As I walked out into the courtyard knowing that my sister and my friend will have their bodys back fills me with Determination.

Sans Pov
I sat down on the couch watching MTT together with Paps. I've watched the exact same show atleast 80 times and surprisingly Paps hasn't gotten bored of them. The next programe was cooking with a killer robot. Just then the phone rang. Paps got up, walked over to and answered it.

"Oh, hello Doctor Alphys! How are you? Do you need anything?" Paps asks.

Papyrus waits for a while as Alphys replys. Then he turned to me and held the phone out towards me.

"Doctor Alphys wants to talk to you brother," He says. I take the phone.

"Heya Alph,"

"H-hi Sans the R-royal family is c-c-coming over to u-use the machine a-and I was w-wondering if you and Papyrus would w-w-want to come over to...y'know," she tells me.

"When are they coming over?" I ask.

"R-right n-now," She says.

"Ok, Me and Paps are coming over," I tell her before hanging up the phone.

"Brother, what did Doctor Alphys want? Why do we need to come over?" Paps asks.

"I'll tell you when we get there," I say getting up.

Soon we were infront of Alphys lab, I rang the doorbell and waited as she opened the door.

"W-wow your r-right on time. The K-King and Queen are here. Are you ready?" She asks.

"Definitly," I say, a determined look on my face as I did.

I walked into the lab together with Papyrus and see Tori, Asgore, Frisk and Flowey standing near the machine. They look at me and I give them a wave. I walk to stand beside Frisk who is holding Flowey in a flower pot. Paps stands beside me still confusion written all over his face. Alphys walks in front of the machine and faces us.

"O-ok so now th-that we are here we s-should be able to get s-started. So who wants t-to go first?" She asks.

"Brother, you still haven't told me why we are here. What is going on? Why is the King and Queen here too?" Paps asks. I look over to him and look him in the eye.

" you remember Mom and Dad?"

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