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Yoongi woke up as he was met with a chest, looking up he saw your sleeping face with your messy hair. Yoongi just stared at your face, admiring the small birthmarks you had on your face. "Hyung are your done scanning my face" You said groggily before wrapping your arms around his waist a little bit tighter, burying your head in his neck making him blush.

As much as Yoongi didnt want to say it he said it. "[Name] we have to go hangout with hoseok today" Yoongi said making you groan but slowly let go of his waist.


You and Yoongi stood in front of the dance studio called Hope World Dance Studio. You both entered hearing a music being played as you both entered the room where the music was blasting from seeing your friend hoseok dancing.

You paused his music making him look at you confused but soon was wiped off with a huge smile. "Hey [name]!" Hoseok ran up to you jumping on you into a hug making you wrap our arms around him for support.

"Well hey to you too hobi hyung" You said setting him to his feet as he smiled at looked at you like he just found gold. Yoongi fake coughed getting the attention of hoseok and you as hoseok let go of you walking to Yoongi and pulling him into a hug.

"Hey hyung! Still short I see?" Hoseok joked making going I smack his arm. "Still not respecting your hyung I see?" Yoongi sassed back making you chuckle. "Hyung still got his sassness" You said making him blush as hoseok went to you and grabbed your hand. "Come on [nickname], let's dance" Hoseok said as you looked back at Yoongi who was walking to a couch and sat down.

"Hyung, aren't you going to dance?" You asked him not seeing hoseok shake his head telling Yoongi to say no. You saw Yoongi shake his head. "No, not really" Yoongi said feeling jealous, but he shouldn't be...right?

Hoseok smiled and dragged you to the middle. "Come on, let's dance" Hoseok said as Yoongi pressed play seeing you both dance.

((Pretend there is only two people-))

"Good job guys" Yoongi said clapping a little as you and hoseok bowed being extra as always. "Oh why thank you sire!" You did a courtesy bow making Yoongi giggle. "Hey [nickname]wanna see this new dance I made before you both came here?" You looked at him and nodded as you went over by Yoongi sitting down by him.

"Play toxic" Yoongi nodded and found the song and pressed play, but regretting his decision seeing the way it started off.

((Pretend there is only one person))

The flirty looks hoseok was giving you made Yoongi feel some type of way and he didnt like it one bit. Once the music ended you smiled and clapped. "That was cool hyung!" You said as Yoongi just clapped along feeling sad for some reason, but couldn't put his finger on it.

Hoseok smiled at you and then looked at his phone hearing his ringtone. It was baseline playing as he disconnected it from the speaker.

"Hey namjoon. Sure. I'll be there in 10" Hoseok then hanged up the phone looking at you both. "Sorry to cut the hangout so short but namjoon needs help composing another song" You both nodded your heads as you both bid him goodbye walking out of the studio.

"Wanna go to a cafe hyung?" You asked Yoongi seeing him so quiet as he just nodded. You smiled grabbing his hand walking to the closest cafe you could find, not knowing yoongi was blushing from the sudden contact.

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