Chapter 7

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"Misha! Finish your breakfast first, instead of spending so much time to get dressed up. It's already 9 o' clock. I wont allow you to skip breakfast again!"

Misha ignored her Naani's warning as she tried on the new tops. She loved the off shoulder red one, but knew her Naani would object to it, and she wasn't in the mood to argue with her right now. Why was she stuck with an old lady with such conservative ideas about the way girls dress? She cursed herself for the umpteenth time. She loved the Boho style White top too... it was comfortable, but she was not in the mood for it today. Finally ,after much deliberation, she chose the short sleeved black crop top which ended just above her jeans. Well, as long as there was not much skin show, her Naani didn't mind.

The curtains of her window rustled and she turned sharply to check, but found no one in the balcony.

She grabbed the lunch box her Naani lovingly packed for her and stuffed it inside her backpack. There was no time to eat breakfast now. She grabbed the sandwich, took a big bite and rushed out.

"Naani I will eat it on the way, don't worry!"

She was too impatient to wait for the lift, so chose to go by stairs instead. She jumped two stairs at a time and reached the parking lot on the ground floor, where Samantha was waiting impatiently on her scooter.

"I know you are getting late because of me, Sorry!" Misha said as she climbed on the scooter.

"Hi Sam... Hi Misha!" Both girls turned their heads sharply to find Victor's car right next to them, and his stubbled face peeking out of the window, too attractive to ignore.

"Oh! You are wearing that black top! But I loved the red one more." He winked at Misha before driving off, leaving her stunned, as Samantha gave her bestie what's-going-on-between-you-two look!

Misha climbed off the scooter, "Sam, you go ahead. I need to check something urgently. No... Don't ask me anything now, I will explain later." Ignoring the loud protests of her friend, Misha ran back to her apartment.

"Why are you back so soon? Did you forget something?" Her Nani asked.

"Yes Nani, please don't disturb me for sometime." She rushed into her room and bolted it from inside.

Nani could hear noises from inside and curses. Finally, after almost half an hour, Misha emerged out of her room in the white boho top.

"Naani, please call that locksmith guy, we need to change the locks of our balcony door. I am going now. I will be a bit late. I am going to Library afterwards to copy down notes from a friend."

"Locksmith! Why? That door was perfectly fine yesterday, what did you do?"

"Nothing!" Misha kissed her Naani on the forehead and left. Naani slowly went into Misha's bedroom. The door and the lock looked just the same as before.

"Crazy girl!" Naani dismissed her grand daughter's antics, and got busy in folding all the clothes that Misha left in a heap on her bed.

Few hours later.
Defence Colony, Jishu's Home.

"Jishu, I know you are still mad at me for... let's leave the past behind us, please. Let me find the bastard who did this to you, and help you recover from this mess! I want my old friend back. Maami wants her son back, can't you see how much she needs you right now?" Victor's pleas seemed to have no effect on Jishu, who lied on his bed, with a stony face.

Victor tried once again.

"I know there is a Malayali guy called Sharath Nair who is involved in this..." Jishu opened his mouth but Victor cut him off. "Don't lie to me, Jishu! I know who he is, and this is not some wild goose chase I am after. For some reason, unknown to me, that Sharath Nair went all the way to Afghanistan to enquire about a guy called Sadiq, who got killed almost a year ago, when I was involved in a mission there! And I am getting very bad vibes about that guy. Why was he enquiring about Sadiq after one year? That too right after the capture of IS terrorists by our RAW team? Unless he or someone knew about Naqeeb and the three IS terrorists caught by RAW, knew there was RAW agent who acted like a mole in IS and linked these two things together. I cant see any other reason why he was asking about me too. But luckily, the girls he asked were my informers. When one of those girls accidentally found his letter to this DJ, he hit her hard, burnt the letter and did a runner, before the male members in the family could catch him."

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