Chapter 24

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One week later:
DJ's Mansion
Dhaula Kuan in New Delhi.

DJ was busy packing  his suitcase with  last minute additions that his mother insisted upon him, while he gave instructions to  Tanvir and Suraj Chacha for their respective tasks.  DJ was flying to Turkey to meet one of his new suppliers, to clinch a major arms deal that had had been working on for the last few weeks, with meticulous care. Tanvir hadn't seen DJ so excited in recent times.

As he zipped up his suitcase, DJ let out a sigh.

"Bhai, what is the matter?" Tanvir asked with concern filled eyes.

"I wish I could meet Loki once before I leave.." DJ's tone was wistful.

"Don't worry Beta, you will meet him soon, when he is ready. You both know that this is just temporary." Suraj Chacha  said in a soothing tone.

Tanvir opened his mouth but held back, as he recalled his last meeting with Loki.

Few days ago

Tanvir watched from a distance as DJ showered his special guest with compliments, and offered refreshments with utmost courtesy, as they opposite to each other in DJ's study. A group of armed men were standing deferentially away from them, keeping an unwavering watch on the surroundings.

Tanvir and DJ knew how important it was to impress Shabir Ur Rahman,  one of the training commanders of  HuJi ( Harkat-ul- Jihad-al-Islami) which had very close ties with the militant organisations JeM and LeT, responsible for so many terror attacks in India as well as other countries in Southeast Asia.

Shabir was currently travelling in disguise,  as part of his "recruitment drive" to gather disillusioned and irate youth from different parts of India, especially the region bordering Karnataka Kerala and Tamilnadu which already harboured local extremist groups.

"Thank you DJ Sahib, you are too kind." Shabir said as he tasted the dry fruit delicacies that DJ offered.

"I have just come from Kerala and your old friend Cheriyan hosted a grand reception for me and my men. He has around fifty men ready under his command, who are willing to join our cause. Now, all we need is little help in getting the necessary arms and intelligence from helpful guys like you."

"And who better than me to do it for you Rahman Bhai? I can get you the best and the latest arms, suitable for guerilla warfare or combats for your recruits in no time, and that too at a much better price. My sources in Turkey and Syria are ready to send them to me via different routes. Intelligence... hmm I am doing my best to have my people infiltrate the intelligence agencies here, but it is still a long way."

"Inshallah, you will be successful, our job first is recruit enough men who believe in our cause and arm them and  I chose you for your record. I heard that you are still not under close scrutiny of any of your intelligence agencies  and as such, a perfect supplier for us. My man Azeem," Shabir turned around and pointed to one of his men, "will deal with all the transaction details. Now, if you can help me and my men get on to the private jet of one of your esteemed friends, we will be grateful."

"Of course Shabir Bhai. I will personally accompany you and make sure you board the flight safely. Just relax for a few moments and ask your men to enjoy our cuisine and delicacies. I will be back in five minutes." DJ smiled courteously and invited Shabir's men to be seated and enjoy the food, while he made his way out towards the inner living area, where Tanvir was waiting for him.

"Bhai, I just called Samir Bhat, and he confirmed that his private jet is waiting to take off from the  terminal at Safdarjung Airport."

"Good!! I better go personally and drop him off. He is going to be a long term client for us, and I want to finalise the deal in the next week or so. Is Dr Ghoshal making sure that our... I mean our agent Ashwin and Victor stay put in hospital for the next two weeks?" DJ asked in a low tone.

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