go bonkers yeah, go absolutely mad

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Me and Billie were going out to a fair. We walked to the Ferris wheel when I decided to intertwine my fingers with Billie's. I took Billie's hand but to my surprise, she ripped her hand away. I looked her in the eyes with a hurt kind of look.

"Why'd you do that?" I pouted

"Because nobody can know we're dating" Billie looked ahead of her, avoiding eye contact

"What do you mean nobody can know?"

"Look can we just get to the Ferris wheel" Billie sighed, changing the subject. Why doesn't she want people knowing were dating? And why doesn't she want to talk about it? Whatever ill ask about it later. The rest of the day was a lot of fun but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Billie didnt want to let anybody know we were dating.


We walked back home and it was getting dark. My feet were killing me so I said:

"Baby, can you carry me?" I looked hopefully in Billie's eyes. She agreed and I took my heels off. I jumped in Billie's arms as she carried me home. When we arrived at her front porch I looked in her eyes and slowly went in for a kiss. She accepted it and smiled. I hopped out of her arms and we went inside.


Billie was brushing her teeth as I scrolled down onto my Instagram. Suddenly I remembered what happened at the fair and what I was meaning to ask all day.

"Hey baby?"

"Hmmm?" Billie hummed.

"Why don't you want anybody to know that we're dating?"

She fell silent. I'm getting an answer out of her no matter what. I walked over to the bathroom and placed my legs over hers. I snaked my arms around her waist and played with her loose hair strands. She looked me lustfull in the eyes.

"Why don't you want anybody knowing were dating?" She didnt respond again but i saw her getting annoyed.

"come on baby just tell me, ple-" Before I knew it she cut me off


"what..." I said. i felt my heart ache.


I felt anger rise inside me. So basically, she doesn't want to be with me. I slapped her hard across the face and left. She hurried after me, grabbing my arm.


"please just let me explain."

"Release my arm! You don't want anybody knowing you're a faggot remember?" I said as I ripped her hand off my arm. I took my stuff and walked off. It was going to be a long walk but I'm certainly not staying here.


It had been a day without talking to Billie. I was angry. Why is she ashamed of me? I just can't wrap my head around it really. I'm just annoyed right now. I decided to go outside to breathe a bit and put on my coat. It was freezing outside and every time I took a breath I could feel myself getting more lightheaded. I arrived at SweetWater park and sat down on a bench. This was the place where Billie had put up the lights. Unfortunately, everything got taken down. I smiled remembering how much I actually love this girl. She's my everything. I looked around the park taking a heavy breath when I saw a girl sitting on a bench next to me. She was burying her feet in the dirt and looked a bit sad. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" She said with a low voice

"You good?"

"Not really"

"I feel you"

She smiled.

"I'm Kirai btw" I stretched out my hand.

"Nice meeting you Kirai. I won't tell you my name because you might be an FBI agent and I'm not taking risks."

"Are you insinuating the fact that you're a criminal?"

"Maybe." she said with a smirk as she playfully got up.

"I'll see you around Kirai." She shouted as I watched her disappear in the distance. When she was fully gone I got up when I heard something fall. I looked around noticing a card on the floor. It was a card with a number on. I smiled. It's the girl's phone number. I stuffed it in my wallet and headed out of the park again.


The moment I got home I felt my phone buzz around in the small pocket of my coat. I answered without looking at the contacts name. Quickly enough a voice started blaring through my phone.

"sunflower stadium. 9 pm Go through the underground tunnel and stand on the x. You'll see."

The phone call immediately ended after that. Even though I heard the voice for only a brief moment I recognised it instantly. It was Billie's. What is she planning on doing? Fucking killing me? Mate, she wants me to meet her through an underground tunnel. My girl is bein sus. I was lowkey excited to go because I spend an hour trying to decide what my outfit was going to be. I haven't seen Billie in a day and miss her more than ever. The drive was about 30 minutes but if we're keeping up with traffic it'd be an hour. I was kinda running late so hopped in my car and speeded down the road. I arrived at the stadium when I saw Billie's mom waiting for me. I met her 1 time which was when me and Billie were making too much noise at 3 am because we wanted to make food. She wasn't that mad so she seems pretty chill to me. On the other hand I'm super fucking anti-social. I parked the car as Maggie greeted me. I greeted her back and she led me to the tunnel. I went in alone and walked down the dark hole. This feels so weird but I love it. When the tunnel ended I arrived at some sort of parking lot without cars or any guidelines. It was basically a concrete floor with a wooden roof. I heard loud people screaming and chanting. Where am I? That's when I noticed the x. Oh right, that's where I needed to be. I checked the time. 20:59. Great, I'm just on time. I stood on the x and waited. Ok so what now? Suddenly I heard something open. I looked up when I saw Billie head peaking trough the hole she opened up. She apparently took out a piece of the wooden roof.

"Hey" she smiled. She stretched out her hand to help me up. I climbed my way through the hole when I was greeted by loud screeching. Suddenly I realised where I was. I'm at one of Billie's concerts. Holy fucc it's huge. Thousands of people were screaming Billie's name. Cameras were pointed on us reflecting on big screens. I gulped. This is making me kind of nervous. I looked at Billie.

"Why did you bring me here?" I said in a serious tone. Billie took her mic and directed herself towards the audience.

"You might be wondering who this is? Well, I'll tell you. She's my girlfriend and I couldn't be prouder to call her mine." Fans started to freak out immensely. Like absolutely bonkers.

"And if you still don't believe me.. I'll give you proof."

Billie slowly leaned in and kissed me. She put her hands on my cheeks. I feel kind of weird to kiss in front of a thousand people. But eventually, I kissed back. Billie pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Now everybody knows. I love you Kirai" I smiled widely.

"I love you too" Billie smiled and then quickly directed herself to the audience once again.

"Thank you all for coming to my show! Have a good night LA!" She bowed down and then I followed her off stage.

"We good now?"

"Definitely" I said kissing her once more.

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