Chapter Six

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All was quiet after Emily and Matt's departure. With Ashley in his arms, Chris felt like his world was finally calm again. The reunion with his friends had, surprisingly, cheered him up. He felt more complete and safer than he had over the past two years—and it was an amazing feeling.

Chris turned to face his girlfriend, who now sat on the armrest of the sofa, sipping a cup of hot chocolate while listening intently to Sam and Mike's conversation. She had an easy, relaxed smile on her face that made Chris' heart flutter. I don't deserve her. I really don't. How did I get so lucky?

When Ashley turned and glimpsed Chris staring at her, she blushed and smiled shyly, turning away and laughing at herself. Chris smiled at her stupidly. He noticed Jessica watching them from her corner on the sofa, looking strangely frightened and anxious as she then started glancing around the room furtively.

Chris frowned and walked up to his friend.

"Jess?" Upon hearing his question, Jessica's wide, unfocused eyes turned to watch Chris. "You doing okay?"

"Hm?" She questioned, looking a little confused.

"...Are you okay, Jessica?" Chris asked again, this time concerned. Jessica's eyes darted towards the television, seemingly watching something, before she looked at Chris again.

"I'm—I'm fine, Chris." Jessica responded, shivering a little. Chris furrowed his brows and turned towards Mike.

"Mike?" Chris called out, trying to get his friend's attention. Mike turned and faced him, a look of question in his eyes.

"Yeah?" Mike asked, raising an eyebrow at Chris's concerned expression. Chris simply gestured at Jessica, who seemed to have refocused on the television, listening to the news again. She's been watching that thing all night, Chris thought. It's just been repeating the same stories over and over again. What is she thinking?

"Oh," Mike breathed, and got up from his seat, moving quickly towards his girlfriend. "I think it's past time..." He mumbled to himself, glancing at his watch. "Yeah." He turned to Chris and explained. "All this action and sound tonight probably drained her energy, I guess." Chris simply nodded and watched as Mike walked towards Jessica, who looked up at him when he approached. "It's time for bed, babe." He held out a hand for her to hold.

Jessica shook her head, her dazed expression gone for now. She grabbed Mike's hand and stood up, brushing herself off in the process. She managed a smile at her friends.

"Well," she said finally, with a tired but playful expression on her face. "Tonight's been fun. It was really nice to catch up with you guys again. Please visit again soon!" She grinned and hugged all three of her friends in turn. Mike then led her towards the direction of her bedroom. Ashley and Chris exchanged glances before they started packing up their items as well, preparing to leave. Sam watched them silently.

"Are you staying here?" Ashley asked Sam, curious. Sam shrugged.

"Probably. I don't really feel like leaving just yet." Sam responded. It's like all the life got sucked out of her when she lost Josh, Chris thought bitterly. She used to be such a cheerful, just, and opinionated person. Tragedy really does fuck people up... If I didn't have Ashley, I'd probably be like her too.

Chris nodded and went around, shuffling into his many jackets. Ashley put her beanie back on and shouldered her bag. Mike came out of Jessica's room soon after, nodding at the exiting couple.

"See ya," Mike said nonchalantly. He turned to Sam, a little confused. "So...You're planning on staying, Sam?"

"I guess, yeah...If that's okay with you guys?" Sam asked.

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