Chapter Eighteen

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It was almost midday, and the trio were almost at the location George had shown them on the map. Sam walked ahead, deep in thought. Chris and Ashley followed close behind her while holding hands.

Normally, I'd enjoy romantic walks through the woods with Chris, Ashley thought. Not when its some risky rescue mission, though. And not on Blackwood mountain. Obviously.

"There's a ledge here, be careful!" Sam warned before she jumped down, a couple of steps in front of them. Ashley heard the splash when she landed in a puddle of water. "Oh, shit, my boots are wet!"

"Ladies first," Chris said with a small smile, moving to the side to let her pass. "I'd like to enjoy having dry shoes for a little longer."

Ashley rolled her eyes but went first anyway; she carefully hopped down the ledge, bracing herself for the water. The puddle made another loud splash, drenching her legs all the way up to her knees. It was ice cold, and Ashley quickly made her way out of the small pool of water. She and Sam stood at the side with their backs to the ledge, furiously shaking their legs in an attempt to dry them.

"It's—" Sam complained, "So— Wet— Gah, I hate this!" She stomped around, water dripping from her boots.

Ashley was doing the same, trying in vain to get the water out of her shoes. She didn't realize that Chris had made his way down the ledge as well until she heard a much louder splash and a pained gasp. Ashley quickly turned around, alarmed at the sound.

"Chris?" She asked hurriedly, and made her way back towards him in the water, drenching her shoes once again. Her boyfriend's eyes were closed as his gritted his teeth, evidently in pain. He was holding his right ankle and hissing.

"Chris, are you okay?" Sam asked from behind Ashley with a worried tone.

"I'm—" he said quickly. "I'm okay, I—"

"Are you sure? You don't sound okay," Ashley knelt down beside him. "What's wrong? Is it your foot? What happened?"

"I, uh..." Chris was definitely not okay. "I landed on my right ankle and, I think, it's not broken but—" He hissed when he tried to move it. "Yeah, something's wrong with it."

"This isn't good," Sam muttered nervously. She came towards them in the water. "Think you can walk, Chris?"

Chris slowly shuffled onto his feet and took a small step. He winced when he placed his injured foot on the ground, but managed to hobble along.

"I think I'll live," Chris said a little breathlessly. He shrugged. "I mean, there's nothing we can do about this, we have to keep going anyway, right?"

Ashley bit her lip, concerned, but said nothing. Sam sighed and nervously shouldered her bag.

"I guess so," Sam said. She tried to smile reassuringly. "We're almost there, anyway. Maybe we could take a break once we get to the lair or whatever."

Deep down, all three on the mountain knew there wouldn't be time to take a break. They were on Blackwood Mountain, for goodness' sake. The longer they spent on the mountain, the more likely it was for them to encounter danger. Sam, Chris, and Ashley just wanted to find the cure—or whatever it was—and get off the cursed hill as soon as possible.

Although Chris' injury might be a problem, Ashley worried. It might slow him down, if he needs to run... No, I'm sure it won't come to that. She glanced around worriedly. Hopefully.

Ashley put her arms around Chris and supported him as the trio walked on, much slower this time. Chris was evidently in pain, but he was trying to hide it from Ashley as best as he could; however, she could feel him wince with every step. She tried her best to adjust her movements so it would be easier for him to walk—but his injured ankle made it difficult. Sam foraged ahead, looking at her map and encouraging the couple behind her with comments like "Keep going! We're almost there!" and "Just a little further!"

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