Chapter Nine

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The only taxi that he and Emily could find was an old and rusty one. They had spent half an hour wandering on the highway, trying to stop random cars, but barely any had passed them. When they finally saw a cab, Matt had run after it, waving his arms and chasing it down until it finally stopped for them.

The car was incredibly old, and it had so many dents and chips that Matt wasn't sure how it was still up and running. The car made a strange rumbling sound as it moved, and the breaks also had a horrible squealing sound of metal rubbing against metal. But it was the only taxi in sight, and even Emily was willing to get in, if it meant they could get home safely.

The driver, a short and dirty-looking old man smoking a cigarette, slowly rolled open his window. He saw the young couple and gave them a once-over, his eyes lingering on Emily for a lot longer than necessary.

Matt clenched his fists and tried his best to remain polite, even though he was fuming. Fucker really looked at Emily like that... I don't know if I'm disgusted or mad.

"Where ye' headed?" The taxi driver asked, blowing out smoke almost directly into Matt's face.

Matt told him their address slowly, trying to stay calm. Emily held onto his arm, squeezing tightly to show him her discomfort and evident hatred towards the taxi driver.

The driver simply nodded.

"Alrigh', get in, I'll get ye' there." He said. Emily and Matt squeezed into the back of the car, neither wanting to sit anywhere near the driver. The back of the car was littered with empty bottles, snack packets, and even more cigarette stubs. Emily curled up next to Matt, careful not to touch any of the trash, and rolled her eyes.

"Goddamn," she muttered, sounding very annoyed. "What a great way to end the night."

"Hey," Matt squeezed her lightly. "At least we got a taxi, right? We would have been stuck out there all night."

"Hmph," Emily sighed, and winced as the driver threw the still-burning cigarette out of the window. The taxi was speeding along the highway next to the mountain. There was not another car in sight. Something about the road and the silence worried Matt, but he stayed quiet to not upset Emily further. The rumbling sounds of the engine and the occasional screech of the breaks seemed to echo through the mountains.

Glancing at the dashboard, Matt saw that the car was almost out of gas. I hope this driver has enough fuel to get us home, Matt thought, concerned. It's a long drive...

After rounding a corner on its way down the mountain, the taxi passed the compound of the Psychiatric Centre. Matt laughed at the sight.

"What?" Emily asked, glancing at her boyfriend.

"I just realized... We walked in the opposite direction, like away from home, when we were looking for a taxi," he said, grinning. The taxi drove past the parking lot, and Matt could see a couple people down there running around, probably searching for their car or something.

"Seriously, Matt?" She sat upright and glared at him mockingly. "You were the one looking at the map!"

"I'm sorry! I thought that home was that way! I won't make the mistake again, I promise." He pinky-promised his girlfriend, who smiled at his childishness.

"Fine," Emily grinned, and relaxed against him again.

The taxi rounded a corner, finally leaving the Psychiatric Centre behind. They continued down the highway, winding down the mountain. Matt and Emily looked out the windows in silence, enjoying the view—even though it was crazy dark and there was nothing much to see.

Matt was worried about the taxi—the almost-empty gas tank, the unstable driver, the rusty car. He considered asking the driver how much longer the trip would take, but Matt didn't want to risk offending the old man... I don't feel safe, though, Matt thought. I just want to get home as soon as possible.

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