Inventing Room

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Somehow managing to draw his attention away from the unique redhead, Wonka proceeds to pull out a very interesting looking key from his pocket and open up the inventing room, allowing everyone to filter in and look around. Head tilted back and lips parted in awe, Alex sort of drifts around the room until she accidentally bumps into Wonka, stumbling until he wraps a strong arm across her chest from behind. She freezes when she sees his arm is just beneath her breasts, then stiffens when his lips just barely brush her ear. "Be careful." And then he's gone, striding away with a playful smile on his lips. Alex brushes herself off with a light chuckle. How exactly like a boy. She thought.

"A bit of a messy place isn't it Alex?" Charlie says, looping his arm into hers. "Oh I wouldn't say so," she says with a sparkle in her eyes, "if it really were, Wonka wouldn't be such a success." "Was Slugworth's factory this messy?" She rolls her eyes, he's being subtle about it but she could tell he wanted a story.

"Not really, everything was always in place, spit spot and ship shape, used to annoy the living daylights out of me." Charlie smiles. "That's right, you are a messy person." "It's called an organized mess; just because you can't find anything in it doesn't mean I can't." "Mom says it's just a mess." "Was she able to find you that four leaf clover pin I got you for your birthday?" "No." "Well there you go!" They both share a hearty laugh, Wonka noticing out the corner of his eyes with the smallest pinch of jealousy. At the sharp beeping of his most prized invention, he's happy for a distraction.

"No! Don't, please." He said to the still shocked Mr. Beauregarde. "Forgive me, but no one must look under there." He strides over to his covered masterpiece, the most secret machine in his entire factory. "This is the one that'll really sizzle old Slugworth."

The man's face appears briefly in Alex's mind, fresh as though she had seen it only yesterday. She frowns as sadness clouded her eyes, angry/disappointed that she could still remember that terrible man. No one else noticed, no one except Wonka.

"What's it do?" Asks Charlie stepping forward, Wonka glances at him with an eager smile that wasn't entirely fake.

"Would you like to see?" He doesn't try all that hard to contain his excitement, hoping it would rub off on Alex. His heart does a little back flip when she looks up and meets his gaze, a smile dusting her lips.

Triumphantly, he pushes the button and watched everyone go to the side of the machine, his gaze remaining on Alex as she drifts over. It isn't until she's close enough when he grabs her wrist and with a simple, quick yank, had her at his side.

"Something the matter?" He whispers in her ear, nearly losing his senses when he inhaled her scent; she smelt of candied memories and fresh soil, sweet yet natural. She struggles slightly, knowing he didn't really want to hurt her.

"No sir." Momentarily surprised by the sudden formality, he lets her go and watches her return to Charlie's side, knowing this conversation was far from over.

Alex wasn't really a child but she had a light to her eyes that reminded Willy of one, which is why when no one was looking, he slipped an everlasting gobstopper into her pocket. If the adults had seen it, they never would've let him live it down. Deciding to divert their attention before anyone did notice, he goes to his gum machine. Noticing out the corner of his eyes Alex's playful giggle as she watched him look for the button, her hand on Charlie's shoulder when the boy spots it. After pushing it, he turns to Alex with a sweet nod of his head, which she happily returns with flushing cheeks. Less then a minute later, Wonka pulls out a small something from the machine.

"That's all?!" Asked Veruca. "That's all? Don't you know what this is?" Exclaimed Wonka. "By gum it's gum!" Was Violet's triumphed answer. Alex and Charlie glanced at each other, knowing exactly where this was going.

Sure enough, Violet took the gum with no regard to Mr. Wonka and started to chew, happily shouting what she was tasting. "Why doesn't she listen to Mr. Wonka Alex?" Charlie asked, Alex looked away from the girl with a lingering scowl on her lips. "Because she's..." She pauses, then laughs faintly, "well, there's a word I'd like to use but I dare not say it in front of the kids." Charlie laughed faintly, Alex got ready to join him only to feel Willy come up beside her, looping his wrist with hers while being careful not to touch her palm.

"It always does that when it gets to the dessert, always." His tug was gentle, suggesting she could come closer if she so desired. It's right around then when she noticed he smelled of cinnamon, vanilla, and secret sadness. The last one catches her off guard, so did the owner's boldness when he lowers his lips a fingers-length away from her ear and whispers; "How kind or you to remember there are kids around." A teasing smile comes to her lips and she surprises herself by tilting her head towards him and saying; "Some of them are more grown then even they know." 

Willy pulled back with a surprised smile, this woman was a wonderful mystery he couldn't refuse. Like a gobstopper that kept on changing flavors. Everlasting gobstopper 2.0. He thought, but allowed that thought to hurry along when the Oompas-Loompas began to sing.

(Violet Beauregarde Song)

"Where is he fancy breed? In the heart or in the head?" Said Mr. Wonka as the unhappy father left, right around then Alex notices her arm's looped in his. She jumps back almost reflectively and turns away, noticing out the corner of her eye the teasing smile on the chocolatier's face. He gazes at her for a little while longer before returning his attention to the rest of group.

"Shall we go on?"

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