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Matt poured you another drink, but you were already feeling the buzz from your last one, you leaned on Matt for support.

"You good?" He asked.

"Y-yeah! Greeeaaat." You said, a wonky smile on your face.

"You lightweight." He teased.

You downed your second drink, trying to grab yourself another.

"Hey hey. Slow down." Matt said, pushing your arm down.

You sighed as he sipped his drink.

"Wanna sit down?" He asked.

"I need to find (cousin's name)." You said, suddenly feeling concerned.

"You stay here, I'll check up on her okay?" He said, leading you to a seat and sitting you down before walking off.

Beside you on an end table you found an abandoned cup full of something, you smelled the contents. Vodka.

Matt was just returning as you drank the foul tasting liquid out of the cup.

Bad choice.

A wave of a sick feeling washed over you.



He turned to you. "What's up?"

"Matt I'm gonna, I'm gonna puke." You slurred out.

"Ryan's rules are you puke in the yard." He said, rushing you out and into the large backyard. It was dark and basically empty, most people were enjoying themselves inside.

You got there just in time, as soon as you got out the door you began to throw up. Matt held your hair back and even got you a chair to sit in when you were done.

"I'm gonna get you some water. Don't. Move." He stated.

You stayed put when suddenly your cousin came outside.

"Oh my fuck, y/n are you okay?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Y-yeah" You said, finished by a hiccup. "You gettin' that, that dick?"

"I was chatting up Ryan but then Matt told me about you so I rushed out here." She explained.

"Sorrryyyyy." You slurred.

Matt returned. Taking the place of your cousin. He sat down on the concrete patio. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah." You said, taking a sip of the water. "Matt I want a hug." You stood up, him doing the same. You embraced his skinny body as he kissed the top of your head.

"You smell like puke y/n." Matt teased.

"No duh."

As soon as you felt better, you followed Matt inside, spending the night just having fun.

Ryan challenged you to a dance off, ending in a dramatic slow dance to Big Iron by Marty Robbins, of which Matt recorded. You hit the juul, met some new friends who you probably wouldn't remember in the morning, and eventually felt sleepy.

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