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 **please note that this is based off of my experiences and views of pride, yours may be different, but this is based off of mine

Tony Stark had never ever been to Pride. It wasn't that he didn't support the LGBTQ+ community, he did. It was just that he had never gone to any sort of pride festival or parade or anything. So when Peter Parker suggested they go to Pride, Tony was a bit hesitant.

"Come on, it'll be so much fun!"

"I don't know, I've never been before."

"That's okay! I've been, I can show you around."

"Alright, we'll try it."

Peter grinned at the old man. He was going to go even if Tony hadn't said yes, but it would be way more fun if Tony Stark joined him.

"Yay! Some of my friends will probably meet us too."

"Alright, kid." Tony smiled.

That was about a week ago. Now, it was Pride, and Tony was getting a bit nervous. Peter, however, was practically jumping off the walls.

"Calm down, kid." Tony laughed a little.

"I can't help it! Pride is always so fun!"

"We're leaving in ten minutes."

"Oh, shit!" Peter cried, racing up the stairs to the room he had in the Stark Tower.

"Language!" Tony called after him. "God, I'm really starting to turn into Steve." He muttered under his breath.

Peter return a few moments later with what looked to be a flag. It had three colors: pink, purple, and blue. Tony had no idea what that meant.

"What's the flag for?"

"Oh," Peter said, looking down at his flag. "It's, uh, it's a bisexual flag." He continued.

"Does it mean you're bisexual?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah I am," Peter said, nerves dripping from his voice. He'd had a lot of trouble with biphobia at school and he was very afraid that it would travel to his personal life as well.

"What's bisexuality exactly?"

"It just means that I'm attracted to both boys and girls."

"Oh, that's cool," Tony said. Peter smiled. It was nice that Tony was just accepting him this easily. They stayed in silence for a few moments. "Are we ready?" Happy called from the doorway.

"Yep!" Peter said, rushing to the car. He was back to his chipper, excited self. Tony laughed a little before following the kid to the car.

They arrived at the parade about ten minutes later. Happy dropped them off right in the center of the parade route. A group of Peter's friends had already gathered and set up some chairs. A chorus of "Hey, Peter!"s was heard as Peter rushed over to join his friends. Some of them had arrived early to get a spot for the group while others (including Peter) had chosen to sleep in. He greeted each of them except for one boy with dark hair. Tony was a bit confused as to why Peter avoided that kid when he seemed to love the rest of the group. A parent of one of the kids stood behind to group and Tony gravitated towards her. Peter turned to the woman, "Hey, Mrs. Leeds!"

"Hi, Peter! It's good to see you. Did you say hello to Ned?"

"Of course. It's good to see you too."

Mrs. Leeds smiled at the teen.

"Go and get ready for the parade with them."

Peter smiled back and hurried over to his friends. Mrs. Leeds turned to Tony, "Peter's such a great kid."

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