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Today's work was so weird. I wor for a house of three's today when they got a letter in the mail and started screaming. They were in such a good mood today that they gave me some extra money and and let me go home early. Even though we are one of the lowest caste , we still get a full meal from the food centres set up by King Shalom so I bought gifts for my sister's, Celia and Kamber, since they didn't get anything for their birthdays last month.
"I'm home!" I yelled as I entered through the door.
"Your finally here Aspen , we have been waiting for you for a long time. We got four letters in the mail and mom said to wait fir you to come home befire we open it. Where were you?" Celia asks.
"Well I'll tell why I came a bit late than usual but first where's your sister?" I ask her , wanting to give my presents now.
"I'm right here" I whirl around to find Kamber behind me closing the door.
"Good , now I've got a surprise for you" I said before opening the box and showing them the two double heart bracelets I bought from the store.

 "Good , now I've got a surprise for you" I said before opening the box and showing them the two double heart bracelets I bought from the store

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"Aspen these are so beautiful.  Thank you so much" Kamber says as tears run down her cheeks.
"Yeah Aspen thanks so much" Celia said before taking both of them and trying them on.
"Well now can you give me the letters so I can open them ?" I ask wanting to know what the letters are about.
"Here they are Aspen"my younger brother Reed says , handing me the letters.
I look at the address and Its from the palace. The palace. Why would we get letters from the palace ?
I rip open through all four of them and cannot, cannot, believe my eyes. I subtly pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. Och. Nope I'm not dreaming . This is very very real.
" What does it say ?" My youngest sister, Ivy, asks her eyes wild with curiosity.
"Two are for Celia and Kamber and the other two are for me and Beckner" I reply. My brother Breckner was a year younger than me but is elder than Celia and Kamber.
"What does the letter for me and Kam say?" Celia asks.
"It is two entry forms for the girls ranging from sixteen to nineteen years for the selection of Prince Kota" I look up to see Celia and Kamber's expressions and they both look like they're going to explode.
"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh . This cannot be happening.  Am I dreaming ?" Celia asks her eyes wide when Kamber pinched her and asked , smirking
"Does like feel like a dream ?" And asked me " What does the letter for you and Breckner say?"

"The letters for me and Breckner are entry forms for boys ranging from eighteen to twenty years of age for the selection " I grinned when I see Breckner's shock
" What entry ? For who's selection?" He asks clearly confused . I don't answer as a smirk forms on my lips while seeing my siblings curiosity.
"Stop torturing us and tell us what it says"Celia said her voice filled with annoyance.
"It's for Princess America's selection " I say dreamily.
I have always had a crush on her . She was just so gorgeous and looked like she would do anything for her family and her people.
" That's wonderful news" my mom said and I can tell she's hopefull since we have four entries instead of just one.
I can't wait to meet my best friend, Maxon,  and tell him this.

THE CHOICE (maxerica/selection fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now