chapter 15

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     {Time jump to a month later}

"Girl we need to hangout all of us, you, me, Jess and Erick because we barely hung out" Maeve Says sitting down next to me on the couch

"Okay but what are we going to do?" Jess asks Maeve curious to what she has planned

"We are all going to the club, you can invite Kaylee to come with us" Maeve says

"Oh Kaylee has scenes to work but yeah we can all go to the club" Melody says

"Maybe Jess could mind someone" Erick says in a teasing way

"Uh Im already seeing someone kinda, its complicated" Jess says nervous because she hasn't told them about her and Quincy but now knowing Mel she is going to have to tell them about Quincy

"Oh well who is this person your seeing" Melody says interested in who her little sister is seeing

"Quincy" Jess says

"Really!" Mel says

"Wow" Maeve says

"Congrats girl" Erick says

"Like I said it's complicated" Jess says walking into the kitchen

"How is it complicated?" Melody asks

"Because one minute we are flirting with each other then it's like he doesn't know I exist" Jess says

"Just talk to him" Melody says

           {Time skip to the club}   

Melody, Jessica, Maeve, and Erick where having fun. They danced, Maeve and Erick where getting drunk while Mel only had a few but she wasnt buzzed or drunk and Jess was underaged so she was the designated driver.

"Hey I'm going to go use the restroom" Melody says

"Okay" Jess responds


Jessica's pov

As Mel went to the restroom I just text Quincy and also went scrolled through social media bored out of my mind.

It's been a while since Mel went to the bathroom so I went to go check to see if she was okay.

As I was walking towards the bathroom I bumped into someone

"Oh my God I'm sorry" I said to the person I bumped into, I look up to see Kaylee.

"I thought Melody said kaylee was at work" i thought to myself

"Melody said you told her you where at work, so why did you lie to her?" I said/asked

To be continued.......


I hope you all enjoyed this short  ass chapter

I love kaylee and ik she would never cheat on anyone but this is a fanfic sooo.

I'm making Jessica and Quincy a thing and now I need a ship name for them.

idk when I'm updating next bc I'm having writer's block that's why I ended this chapter like that bc I didnt know how to continue it.

don't forget to vote and comment what you think of this chapter

Also thank you all so much for the 1.44k reads it means so much for me and I thought this book wasn't going to get that much reads, I love you all so much


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