chapter 20

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Same day as it is in chapter 19 just it's gonna be in Melody's pov and then 3rd pov


Melody POV

I'm downstairs with Jess watching How to get away with murder and I feel my phone go off letting me know I got a text.

(Text conco)
K- Kaylee
M- Melody

K- I asked Quincy if he wanted to go to six flags for our plan, he said yes. Have you asked Jess yet?

M- Okay so we going to six flags? And I'm asking her now

K- yea we are, is that okay?

M- yea it's okay. I'll text you what Jessica says

K- okay, I love you

M- I love you too


"Hey jess wanna go to six flags with me around 2pm" I ask Jess

"Yeah sure it's better then staying home and feeling bored" Jess says

"Okay, but like once we get back we finishing HTGAWM because Connor Walsh is My baby" I Say to Jessica

"Okay deal but like I'm kinda in love with Michaela and Wes" Jess says and goes back to watching HTGAWM and I text Kaylee back saying Jess says yes to six flags


3rd pov

It's 1pm and Melody, Kaylee, Jessica, and Quincy all arrive at six.

"Jess? Mel?" Quincy asks confused because he didn't know Mel or Jess was going to be at six flags too

"Hey Quincy" Mel and Jess says together and walk to where him and Kaylee

After all 4 of them greeted each other they pay for their Flash passes and go on rides.


Kaylee and Melody decide to go get something to eat and leave Quincy and Jess alone like there plan

Kaylee and Melody both hope that Quincy and Jess confess their feelings for each other because they both deserve happiness

It was now 6pm and Kaylee and Melody decided to go back to Kaylee's and watch tv but Jess and Quincy went on a walk on the beach to watch the sunset and talk



hiiii fellow readers sorry I haven't updated in a while I been busy at work but hope you enjoyed this chapter

Next chapter is all gonna be about Quincy and Jess so no Melody or Kaylee next chapter well maybe in the beginning

Also its October 31st, Happy Halloween everyone, also Happy birthday to Danielle rose Russell aka Hope Mikaelson, my wife aka the LOML

Imma try to updated tm bc its Kaylee's birthday tm if not then, Happy birthday Kaylee Bryant aka josie saltzman, my other wife aka The other LOML

Also please vote and comment

Love you all


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