test for patience

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It was a dripping wet taehyung  with half of his face covered with his wet hair.

"oh shit" she threw the bottle away from her. He brushed his wet hair back and gave a death glare to her.

"to my office now" he said and started walking, she quietly followed him. Once they reached his office he signalled her to sit. She pushed her wet hair back and sat down ' what if he fires me or worse by seeing his glare I think he is going to kill me'

"so miss yoon may I know what you were doing??"

" i-I wa-was"



" or did you want to take revenge??"


"do you think it's a playground to play around here??" He  raised his voice glaring at her.

'I just splashed water not hot lava on him so why is he making it a big scene??' she thought angrily but she knew she had to apologize no matter what or she will remain as a waste her whole life after being kicked out from Shinzo tv.

"im s-sorry sir I didn't d-do it intentially" she stuttered in the middle unknowingly.

"whether you did it intentially or not you did it miss yoon" he said trying his level best to control his anger, he approached to the chair she was sitting in. He then rested both his hands on the armrest of the chair and leaned forward. Yoon's heart was beating at a high speed, she moved her head back not able to handle the closeness , she could feel his intense gaze bore hole deep into her soul.

"look here miss yoon our company is one of the top companies in the world and if even one of the employee like u don't work or do something problematic it can get the whole company down in just a blink of an eye. So this is your last warning miss yoon stop playing around and start working. Next time I see you goofing around, I wont say I will only do and you very well know what I will do. I. am. not. a person .you can mess.with.keep that in your head. There are a bundle of reports there on my table I want it completed by tomorrow morning" he completed with his voice deeper than the ocean

Yoon was stiff at her place like a statue. ' oh my god my hearteu! Before that I should not forget he just threatened me,me ,ME' lost in her own thoughts she didn't realize him going back, sitting in his seat and working on his computer. "are you alive miss yoon??" he asked his eyes glued to the computer

' He just threatened ME' she thought as she looked at him.

" are you planning to stay here till my grandchildren become the CEO???'' she was now boiling of anger she just felt like cutting his throat into two and drinking his blood. She got up and walked to the table, took the bundle of reports and again walked to the door

"pls don't forget to close the door miss yoon" she clenched her fist, got out and closed the door so hard that it could break and fall out any moment.

"ooooo are you planning to break it down??" she turned to see jimin wearing big glasses.

"good afternoon sir" she bowed down

"stop calling me sir you can call me jimin only"

"ok jimin" she said smiling

"you seemed to be angry and those reports??" he asked glancing at his door and then at her.

"15430 15430 jimin"

"whats that ??" jimin asked confused

"it's the no. for the mental hospital your this rude suit friend has to be taken there very badly"

"what did he do now??and why are you wet??" he asked pointing at her wet dress and she said him everything. Once she finished he started laughing "why are you laughing??"

" oh my ha ha ha you just splashed ha ha water on him"

"stop laughing you look like your going to die" he rubbed the tears from his eyes

"don't forget what he said to me" she said making her eyes small

"ah its fine don't worry just go and work but keep one thing in mind taehyung does what he says" saying he entered his room. ' he does whatever he says but he will  do only if leave him to and I wont' " fighting yoon" she punched her fist in the air.

She sat in her cabin and started typing. Typing,typing,typing she finally finished only one page. " ah I finished so much " she said stretching her hands.

" YOON " she looked at hosoek " what is it??" she asked him

"we need to go taehyung has called for an urgent meeting now"

" urgent meeting??" she asked herself ' what could it be for??'


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