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Day of trial

Sharply cutting down the cucumbers, into round slices he placed them into the sandwich pack.

Seasoning it with pepper he carried the trial papers in one and the sandwich in the other and walked to sit in his lobby.

Referring to the evidences he had collected over these past days he grabbed a few bites and gulped it down with a sip of coke.

At ten past nine he suited up with his dry cleaned lawyer suit. He sat restlessly on the side seat of the car that drove to the entrance of the huge white painted building flooding with numerous other lawyers and prosecutors running around. Running? Yes. It was a busy day and the most awaited trial of the season, murder of Mr. Kim.

It was ten minutes to 9:30 and the trial will begin in no time. Just as he halted he got off the car and brushed his suit just to face his most admirable senior of all time.

"hyung!" he exclaimed and bowed to greet the mask faced man.

"aren't you late? Why cant you be punctual like me, such a disobedient guy" yoongi fired.
Jungkook kept quiet and pursed his lips.

"it's okay.  have you prepared well for the trial?" he asked
"ah i think so, but im still lacking here and there" jungkook smiled politely.

The both walked into the court as it ticked close to ten on their watch.

Taehyung was already been seated on the client seat while yoongi took the prosecutor's bay opposite him.

Jungkook sat beside Taehyung and projected an anxious smile.

"dont worry, whatever you've done your doing well, keep going" Taehyung cheered him up as he stretched a huge smile trying to make the kid feel better.

After a few minutes everyone started to fill the audience seats and also the jury panel. As soon as it filled the judge's arrival was announced. He was an old man but seemed too composed for the age, walked in casually and took his seat while all followed.

As soon as he sat down the name of the trial was announced and suga stood up to make his statement.
"your honour as i showed last trial the evidences of the diary, self written by kim Taehyung, son of late Mr. Kim, i would want to make a point clear that the murder was a planned and well executed one"

Suddenly the crowd awed in shock. Jury discussed among themselves at the quick arrival of the final decision.

The judge nodded and gestured jungkook "lawyer would you like to defend this claim?"  he asked.

Jungkook slowly stood up and took a deep breath, "yes your honour"  while Taehyung watched him worry fully.

He walked forward as he spoke "your honour, i shall cross verify his statements"  he claimed confidently.

"yes proceed" judge granted permission

"Mr. Taehyung, is this diary yours?"
"is this handwriting yours"
"exactly when did you write the diary?"
"on the day of my dad's death, im not sure of the time, maybe 1:20 in the afternoon"

Jungkook swiftly turned to the jury panel, "your honours, please note this point"

"this ink he used to write the note was sent to chemical analysis and the reports are here" he pointed to the projector.

It showed the reports of the chemical dye of the ink and the time of use. Taehyung raised his eyebrows in wonder.

Yoongi was anticipating too, as to what the lawyer had to say.

Jungkook swiftly turned to the judge and made a statement "your honor this dye was used exactly at 1:10 pm on 27th sept, but Mr. Kim was dead at 1:15 pm on the afternoon"  he looked around "it is practically not possible to kill someone and go home within 5minutes that is 35kms far and write the diary"

Taehyung sighed in relief. Jungkook was indeed doing a great job. Yoongi's eyebrows raised in impressively.

"which means he was writing the diary while Mr. Kim was dead there, so practically its impossible for a human to be in two different places at the same time, and thus kim Taehyung is not the murderer your honour" he bowed "that's all your honour"  and sat down beside Taehyung.

Sweating really hard he hurriedly took a glass of water and gulped it in.

The judge nodded and announced " yoongi do you have anything to say"

Yoongi stood up diligently and walked forward "your honour i have a witness to verify"  he showed towards taehyung 's mom "please allow me to"

Judge nodded to grant him the permission. The lady walked in quietly and stood in the witness box, she didnt even look at him once before she kept her hand on the bible and sweared her oath.

"so tell me Mrs . Kim what do you think about your son, Taehyung" yoongi asked subtly.

"i... I wasnt happy at all when he became the legal heir to our company. He believed in his son so much" she weeped.  Taehyung's eyes filled with tears and feeling of disbelief that his own mother disliking him swallowed him fully.

"but see what he has done, killed that same man who raised you? Killed the same man who loved you? Killed a man who believed in you??" she screeched the end and burst out crying.

The entire audience kept quiet, a few even tearing out on hearing her story.

Yoongi now tried to probe her "so why do think he would have killed your husband?"

She wept a few times and snorted once before she spoke "because....

Because he is an adopted son of ours! Not our own!!

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