known as unknown

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"then is he coming today??" she asked sipping her coffee.

"yes, so please behave like a grown-up miss yoon"

"I always do," she said keeping her cup on the table, "It's just that you don't wanna see it" she mumbled the last few words.

"are you trying to pick a fight with me miss yoon??"

"no, how can I, with you??" she said looking away, he rolled his eyes "and miss yoon" he went to her bedroom. ' why is he going there??'.

He came back with an unfolded blanket in his hands. "here" he threw the blanket right on her face.

"pleas e learn to keep your room clean"

*vring vring*

I almost reached Hyung



- Taehyung

She got up and went to her bedroom to keep the folded blanket back. " oh my god never has my room been this clean" she said to herself not believing.

"by the way miss yoon" she turned towards him. Taehyung who was seeing his phone didn't notice the floor mat down. He kept his leg on it, slid, pushed yoon with him and both of them landed on the bed. 

Taehyung was on Yoon and Yoon had completely no clue of what was happening.

He slowly lifted his head up and looked at her, their faces were really close. Both of their hearts were beating at a high speed. Taehyung felt something he has never felt before. The feeling was very different but it was good. He studied her features, her big expressive eyes, her cute nose and beautiful lips, her jawline, she was all just perfect according to his eyes.

Then their eyes met, they were looking into each other eyes completely lost. He didn't know what but something within him made him lean forward. She could feel his hot breath , they were that close . When there was a few cms gap between them

*tring tan tring tan*

His phone rang making both of them come back to the world. He got off her, took his phone and went out of her room leaving her alone in the room.

She was still in the bed clueless. She clutched her chest ' what is this weird feeling??' why did I feel bad when he went off me?? What is happening to me??' she covered her face with her hands and shook her head.

While here taehyung leaned on the kitchen wall ' what was I going to do? Shit, what is happening to me??' he closed his eyes

While here taehyung leaned on the kitchen wall ' what was I going to do? Shit, what is happening to me??' he closed his eyes

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