Love is among Us

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The next morning I wake, and open my eyes.

"Good morning." Ashley says. I stare up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I slowly and hesitantly kiss his cheek. He smiles and pulls me closer.

"Violet may or may not have come in during the night and flipped shit." He says. I smile.

"Sounds like her." I say.

"Come on, I think her and that will guy are waiting for you." He says. I sigh. I get up and walk over to my closet. Pulling out an outfit, I smile. I turn back to him.

"Shoo shoo, I need to get dressed." I say.

"Fineeee." He groans, getting up. He smiles at me before closing the door. I get dressed in the black tank top, and jeans. I put on my black combat boots and brush out my hair, putting it into a high ponytail.

Ashley's POV:

I smile and walk into the living room.

"You." Will growls. I stop.

"Me?" I say, raising my eyebrows.

"If you hurt her I will personally rip your throat out." He growls.

"And I'll help." Violet hisses.

"He won't hurt me." Rose says from behind me. Damn she's sneaky. I turn, and smile. She's wearing a black tight fitted tank top, jeans, combat boots, and around her waist theres a belt with assortments of daggers and blades.

"Rose." Violet says, walking over to her.

"Violet it's okay. He wouldn't hurt me." She says.

"Right?" She says, looking at me.

"Of course not." I say, walking over to her. Her eyes sparkle a deep blue in the sunlight.

"Come on, we have a mission." Will says, walking past me and Rose. Violet hesitates for a minute before following. Rose turns to me.

"I'll see you later." She says, kissing my cheek. She walks off, and I stare after her.

"Dude. What the fuck." Cc says.

"What?" I say.

"Your now dating an Assasin, who is bestfriends with two other assasins." Andy says.

"She's actually really sweet." I say.

"Sweet but deadly." Cc says.

Roses POV:

I follow Violet and will through the streets.

"So, are you and him dating?" Violet whispers.

"I think so." I say.

"Oh Rose." She says, shaking her head.

"What?" I say, climbing up the side of a house.

"You need to be careful. Loves a dangerous thing. It can lift you up on a cloud, but then that cloud will turn to water and you'll fall." She says.

"I won't fall if i have him there to catch me." I say.

"But he won't always be there Rose." She says.

"So what, now I just can't be happy?" I say, turning around.

"Shhh!" Will says. I ignore him.

"I finally find someone, someone who makes me happy, and you have to ruin it." I say.

"I'm just trying to stop you from getting hurt." She says.

"Guys!" Will snaps.

"So what if I get hurt? Who cares! It's my heart if I want to let it get hurt I will!" I say, my voice almost a yell.

"There! On the roof!" I hear.

"Dammit you two." Will swears. We all take off, avoiding the shots being fired at us. I jump down and land on the grass. I stand and look around. Guys come running from the bushes. I stab a few, looking for Violet and will. They're fighting as well. I throw one guy into the road and a truck runs him over. Another guy grabs me and holds me down.

"Rose!" I hear violets screams. He stabs me, not very deep but enough to draw blood. I scream out in pain. The fighting stops.

"We got it! Run!" Someone shouts. The attackers run off. I lie on the grass, my side on fire.

"Rose." Will says, crouching down beside me.

"I'm fine." I say, sitting up. I wince in pain, looking down.

"You are not fine you were fucking stabbed." Violet says.

"Come on, let's get you back to headquarters." She says, grabbing my arm. I wrench it out of her grasp and stand up.

"Rose." Will says, glutting his hand on my shoulder.

"Leave me alone." I hiss. I walk off, out into the street.

Violets POV:

I sigh and walk into the large mansion we call headquarters.

"Where's Rose?" Ashley asks, walking into the large entryway.

"I don't know." I say.

"What?" He says.

"I don't know, she just walked off. She's injured though." I say.

"We have to go find her." He says.

"We can't. We have to wait until she gets back." I say.

"But what if something else happens to her?" He says.

"She'll be fine. She always is." I say. He nods and walks off.

I go into my room and change. I sigh, sitting on my bed. I out my head in my hands.

"Oh Rose. What am I going to do with you?" I say to myself.

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