Hes My Hurricane

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"Come here you!" I screamed, throwing my head back in laughter.

"You'll never get me!" He replied leaping across the bridge and racing down the busy London streets.

"Oi! Brad get back here, you know I can't run that fast!" I panted chasing him, rushing past the excitable tourists and little school trips.

"Oh god! sorry!" I giggled after running into a fat middle aged businessman.

"The youth of today...." I heard him mutter as I ran past and I just smiled knowingly.

To be honest he's right!

Brad finally slowed to a holt outside Pizza Hut and casually strolled inside as if nothing had happened.

"I hate you Brad Simpson!" I muttered collapsing into the booth, beside him.

"No you don't. It's impossible to hate me."

"True true." I laughed grabbing his bandana and wrapping it round my head as he sighed.

"Honestly Scar? You really want to start this?"


Brad is my world... literally.

We met a while ago and have been close ever since.

You might assume were together but we are simply 'within like'.

'With like' just means we both have feelings for each other and have told each other that but aren't ready for a relationship.

Well I am... but I don't think Brad is.

Anyway, this is us and I hope we always stay like this.


"Aww does Bradders not like me taking his weeny teeny little headband?.." I fitted it properly on my head and he laughed.

"You look ridiculous Scarlett! And don't call it a headband....its a bandana.. it's in trend right now so shut up!"

"Oh really?" I smirked but was cut off by a very tall, slim, scantily clad waitress.

"What can I get y'all?" She drawled in a pathetic American accent.

"I'll have a double cheese burger with large fries and a bowl of garlic bread, oh and an ice cream refill pass."

She looked at me with disgust.

"Really? Is that it?" she said sarcastically.

"You forgot something Scar." Brad pointed out, amusement in his eyes. "She'll have a strawberry milkshake as well. You know what, double it... I'll have exactly what she's having."

The waitress looked at me then Brad then back at me, huffed and flounced off.

"I don't think she respects my eating habits!" I laughed covering my mouth when I saw her looking back at us.

"Who cares! Any guy would rather have a girl that likes a meaty burger than a lean chicken salad, we don't like anorexic looking chicks anyhow... well I know I dont."

Brad raised his eyebrows as he said this and I felt myself going bright red.

"Why thank you for making me feel fatter than ever!" I fake cried and he patted me on the head comically.

"Tis alright pet." He was so patronising but I loved him for avoiding awkwardness.

We sat chatting about random shit, as per usual, until our food came.

With a last dirty look from the waitress we were presented dinner and I dug in straight away.

I was halfway through my burger when Brad interupted our usually silent eating time by coughing.

"Scar...?" He whispered nervously.

"Yeah?" I mumbled still stuffing my face with beef, cheese and bread.

"I'm moving."

You're what?" I spluttered, starting to choke on my burger.

I was coughing and gagging so much (yes not a pretty sight) I had to excuse myself to go to the bathroom.

After clearing my voice and drying my eyes, I stared into the toilet mirrors and sighed.

'He doesn't mean 'moving' moving, he's probably transferring to a few streets away! stop panicking Scar, he would never do that to you.' I said to myself before going back into the restaurant.

"Sorry about that!" I giggled sitting back down, though my voice wavered.

"Did you hear what I said Scarlet?" he mumbled playing with his hands.

"Yeah... but where are you moving? Outskirts? Battersea? Croyden? As long as you stay in the city centre I'm happy!" I said cheerily.

He didn't respond so I carried on rambling, just to fill the silence, and i guess to avoid what i knew was coming.

"Oh well I'd love to move! Me and ma mum have to put up with the street noise from our flat so we could move round London with you! I've always wanted to live in one of those terraces down in Croydon but they are way too expensive! Maybe I cou..."

"Scar, stop a second." Brad interrupted me, shaking his head slightly.


"I'm not moving to the other side of London." He said monotone.

"Oh good! You won't have to catch the tube everyday to school then!" I smiled, glad he's not moving all the way to Buckingham or something.

"I mean I'm not moving to the other side of London because I'm moving to the other side of the country Scar."

"Excuse me?"


OK so that was an intro to my new book!

It's about Brads life once he moves but Scarlet WILL be in it no panic! xx

Ok so I'm following the first 10 people who comment on this new book something insightful about a line in it xx GO!


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