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That was 3 months ago.

Brads officially gone and left London, he's moved to Salford which is in Manchester or whatever.

Which to be honest I don't understand.

Why would anyone want to move away from the Capital?

Yes as you can probably tell, I'm still bitter about his departure.

Its now, without him, that I've realised how much time we actually spent together.

I miss our long walks through the woods and the constant shopping trips and concerts we'd go to.


The worst part is we've lost communication...

Brad was never on Facebook or Twitter or nothing so when he left all I had was his phone number.

I texted him everyday and at the beginning he talked loads with me but one day it just stopped.

I found out through my mum talking to his mum that he broke his phone but that doesn't explain why he never gave me his new number.

My brother says it's because the long distance thing only reminds him of how far away we are from each other...

But I think he's just got bored of me.



"And if we square root the summation by 4 we get? .... Brad?"

"Sorry what?" I sat up from my desk and looked around the small classroom, murmurs starting around me.

"What is the answer Bradley?" Mrs Farrell tapped impatiently on the desk.

"27?" i mumbled in response and received another round of giggles.

"Close... it's 456." Mrs Farrell smirked. "Now Brad if you're going to stay in advanced Algebra you need to pay attention."

She slapped the board with her ruler making me jump.

Soon enough though, her boring lessons forcing me to gaze at the wall, I was deep in daydreams.

I'd been having a lot lately, my new school was suck torture, so it wasn't a surprise I couldn't focus.

I missed my friends and missed being smart (here everyone is beyond clever) but mostly I missed Scar.

She was a reoccurring character in my dreams, sometimes so vivid I'd wake up thinking she'd really been there.

I hated that.

"Oi." A sharp whisper came from behind me.

I turned around to be greeted by a scowl.

But a beautiful one...


Ok that was short!

*sorry if you're from Salford
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