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"Excuse me? Excuse me?" The girl waved her hand in front of my face smirking.

"Err.... yes.. sorry what.." I mumbled flicking my hair out of my eyes.

"I said can you pass me the textbooks." she replied smirking. "They are right next to your hand.. ok good, can I have them now?"

She grabbed the books out of my hand and with a whip of her long glossy hair she was already turned around, handing out the books.

Who the hell is she ... And how can I not of seen her before!

The bell for the end of class seemed to drone on forever and I shuffled all my stuff together slowly dreading the long lonely walk home.

It's not that I can't make friends. Just with the random move it's hardly easy to fit in halfway through a year. plus being from down south isn't exactly a advantage considering I get called posh boy and snob frequently now.

I'm trying out for the football team next week - now I've finally accepted this move is permanent - so hopefully I'll make some mates there.

The walk home gave me time to think. Think about that girl.
I replayed the brief conversation in my head over and over. Cringing at my responses and my awkwardness.

She probably thinks I'm a loser.

"Oi curls!" A voice shouted from behind me.
I stopped and turned my head.

A petite girl with long golden hair and a short floral dress smiled at me and shouted again.
"Wait up for me!"

My heart was beating so fast and I felt my palms go sweaty.
It was her. The girl from maths. The girl who I mumbled a measly 4 words to. The girl who thought I was a freak.

I stopped and waiting, shaking nervously.
What did she want? Why was she talking to me?

She bounced up to me out of breath.
"Wow you walk fast!... Oh... My .. who are you running from?"
She giggled trying to catch her breath.
I looked down at her and smiled.

I stayed silent unsure how to answer her question without sounding stupid.
I wasn't running from anyone, I just walk fast because I'm on my own and I have no reason to hang around. But she probably wouldn't understand that.

"I thought I was gonna have to sprint to catch up with you." She smiled. "Like I never realised how unfit I am until now oh my... I need to join a gym!"
She babbled on and began walking so I caught up, watching her as she talked.

"You know I could tell you were new as soon as I saw you. The head down and mumbles gave it away aha! You looked lonely. Are you lonely?"

"Um" I felt myself blush in embarrassment. "I don't I don't know."

"It's proper hard making friends when you're new I know." She paused "Sorry if I came across a bit moody in class!" She laughed. "Farrell was just pecking my head about handing them textbooks out and you were being so slow! I thought you were tryna get me in trouble you know, like not giving me them on purpose."

She flicked her hair behind her and adjusted her handbag.

"I wouldn't do that." I said quietly looking down.

"You're really shy aren't you?"

"I'm actually not normally shy." I looked up and then back down at my feet. "Just this move was pretty shitty and I guess I was hoping that my mum would turn around and tell me it was all a joke and we are going back to London."

She stayed silent as we walked.

"But it's been 3 months so I guess this is my home now."

She gulped loudly and looked at me.

"It's not that bad you know. Salford. It rains a lot and the shops are bleak to be fair but apart from that it's pretty similar to London."

I laughed and she shot me a scowl before smiling brightly.
Her blue eyes shimmered as the sun gleamed over her face.

"Why are you talking to me?" I blurted out then quickly covered my mouth.

Oh no thAt sounded rude.

She started laughing.
"Do you want me to go?" She said and I shook my head shyly. "I just thought since you're new...you might want some company. And I noticed you walking the same way home and thought i should say hi."

I looked around and noticed we were already on my street. I could see the apartment block, the flowers my mother had hung over the side of the small balcony wilting slightly.

"This is weird." She muttered. "Do you live here?"

"I live there." I said pointing up at the balcony on the 4th floor.

She began laughing hysterically, bending over as if she was in pain.

"What are the odds.. I live just above you!" She smiled pointing at the balcony one storey up.

"We can walk together everyday." I said without thinking, then quickly added. "That's if you wanted to or whatever."

We reached the door and I held it open for her.

"Of course" she said smiling at me, as she walked into the lobby.

She looked at the elevator then the stairs and then back at me.

"Race ya!" She screamed, setting off quickly up the stairs.

"Wait I don't even know your name!" I shouted up the stairs urgently.

She stopped, grabbing onto the banister and looked down at me.
"Beat me to the 4th floor and I'll tell you my name."

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