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Takumi: ....

I listen to them playing. And Honestly I'm amazed. They are all in sync and all of  them have their own way of expressing their love for music.

It's not long until they finish.

Yukina: well what did you think?

Takumi: um...wow. That was amazing!

They all smile to each other.

Lisa: we're glad you like it.

Sayo: we got praised by THE Takumi Imai, Looks like we're getting better after all.

Yukina: I hope so. Anyway, let's keep going.

They continue playing.


Ako: uwahh...I'm hungry.

Lisa: Yeah, let's take a break. Hey Taku, Treat me to some coffee.

Takumi: Hm? Uh...Sure.

Ako: Me too! me too! Takumicchi I want something too!

Rinko: A-Ako, y-you should really s-stop using Taku like that.

Lisa: Don't worry about it. Taku likes treating girls to food. Right Taku?

Takumi: Well..I guess, but it's more like a rule of mine. Dad DID tell me before that once a girl wants something from you, you give it to them.

Lisa: Taku...I don't think you understand what he was trying to say...

Yukina: I hope he understands what it means soon...for all our sakes.

Takumi: hm? Well whatever, let's go.

Marina: hohoooo~ Two more bands and the Music Tornament can finally start!

Yukina: hm? Marina-san?

Marina: Ah, are you guys taking a break?

Lisa: Yep! Taku is treating us!

Marina: waaah~ A date with Takumi Imai? I'm soooo Jealous!

Yukina: Hm? Can I see that please?

Marina: Hm? Uh...okaaay?

Marina-san gives a flyer to Yuki-Nee, I lean closer to look at what it was.

"Music Band Tournament"

Greetings! If you are reading this, then you must be a member of a band, we would like you to participate in the so called "Band Wars"! We will have Bands compete with one another until the best of the best is the only one standing, Every three months we will have a big showdown between two bands who have stood out the most, the winner gets a reward, while the loser gets disqualified. The One who wins the over all Band Wars will get a Live performance with the whole universe watching (Including aliens) and get's a check of ¥100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Lisa and Ako: CHA-CHING!!!!

Rinko: W-wahh! A live performance?

Sayo: This is...a good chance!

Yukina: ....Roselia...What do you guys think?

Rinko: ...

Ako: ....

Sayo: ...

Lisa: ....I think we should join.

Yukina: Lisa...

Lisa: I mean come on, this is what we've been waiting for. This is our big break! Let's show the whole Universe what Roselia is made of!

Sayo: Hmp...well said.

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