(6) Lyrics and Why I love....

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Roselia came over to talk about what to do in the upcoming band tournament.

Takumi: umu. So, why Don't we get started on your band practice.

Yukina: Good Idea. Hmm, let's decide on the song we'll be playing first.

Lisa: here! How about Neo-aspect? That song was really loved by the audience, so why don't we just go with that.

Sayo: I don't think that would work.

Lisa: eehhhh? Why so?

Sayo: The other bands are probably thinking we would use our best songs, hence they would just come up with a better song.

Rinko: I-I...guess that could happen.

Yukina: what we really need is a new song.

Ako: but we don't have time! We only have a couple of days.

Lisa: humu humu.....if Only we had a pro write lyrics for us then it would probably end reaaallly realllly well...

They all look at me.

Takumi: *gulp* h-haha! Welp, I guess w-we'll have to use one of yer originals. H-Hahaha!

Lisa: Taku~ pleeeeeaaase?

Yukina: we really need your help.

Takumi: You're overestimating me. I can't write lyri-


The door bursts open, and In comes The count of Monte christo.

Takumi: Edmond!? What're you doing here!? How did you even get in!?

Edmond: nevermind that! Kuuuuuuuagagagagag!

Rinko: W-Wahhh! He's coughing out blood!

Lisa: Are you okay!?

Takumi: Oh, Don't worry about him. Edmond here.

I give him some coffee.

Edmond: *sip* umu.....YES!

Takumi: so. Care to explain? Why are you here? You should be practicing for the 1st round.

Edmond: baah! I bailed on practice.


Jeane: Where the hell is Edmond!? He's 2 hours late!

Elizabeth: He probably bailed on us.


Takumi: Go practice!

Edmond: Now Now! Wait wait!

He takes of his hat and gives it to me.

Edmond: Here. Take it. It's my thinking hat. It's your birthday next week right?

Takumi: Ah. No, I can't possibly take this.

Edmond: I know I know, you don't have to feel that way, I want to give it to you.

Takumi: hm? No it's not that, I don't want to wear your hat. It probably has dandruff.


he drops down to the floor.

Lisa: uwaahhh....Taku hit him with 24 Truth bullets.

Yukina: he was a good vocalist while he was still alive.

Edmond: I'm STILL HERE! (T^T)

Takumi: Oi Oi, don't start crying. I was only joking. I am honored and I shall take this sweaty hat.

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