(7) Plane and France

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The first round will be held in France. The girls got excused from school to play in the band wars.


Takumi: I just got home from europe, I didn't expect to be back so soon.

Ako: Uwahh....planes are so...*BARF* Uwaaaaaahhhhhgggggg!!!!

She lets it all out in a paper bag.

Takumi: Jeez Ako, That's the 17th bag. Will you be okay?


Rinko: 18th bag, coming right up.

Yukina: Taku, you want some candy?

Lisa: You sound like an old man.

Sayo: Mr.Takumi is more mature than that. Would you like some scones?

Takumi: Hot damn! These are my favorite! Thanks Sayo.

Sayo: *Blush* I-It's nothing, M-Mr.Takumi.

Takumi: Haha! Please, Call me Taku like the others, Adding "Mr." Makes me feel really old.

Sayo: T-Then...*blush* T-....Taku?

Takumi: *blush* ah...Y-Yeah! That's it.

Yukina: ...........

Lisa: Ahh~ Don't worry Yukina, You'll get your flag event.

Takumi: er...I got pocky, want some?

Lisa: sweet!

Ako: *shivering*

Takumi: hm...you okay Ako?

Ako: *shivering*

Takumi: want some pocky?

Ako: *Shivering*

Hiroshi: TAKESHI!!!!!

Suddenly the people next to us were yelling at each other.

Takeshi: *Shivering*

Hiroshi: WHERE ARE DE OTHERS!!!???

Takeshi: *shivering*

Takuro: what's wrong Takeshi? You scared?

Takeshi: *SHIVERING*

Takumi: .....AKO!

Ako: *Shivering*


Lisa: No...please don't.

Takumi: whaaa~? I'm so bored....

Edmond: Wanna play old maid?

Takumi: okay...............Wait. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?

Edmond: Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

He's coughing out blood again!

Lisa: *splash*

Lisa-nee splashed coffee on Edmond's face.

Edmond: *wheeze* Thank you... Ahem! I shall be off to watch Raikou hentai in the toilet! Farewell! KeeeeHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Raikou? Please, I saw you jackin' off to OzymanXGilgamesh doujins every night until our 2nd year in highschool.

Wait...Now that I think about it...Why does he Jackoff to yaoi? Hmmm...N-NO! I-I-It can't be.

Takumi: ......*Shivering*

P.A system: Alright you whippersnappers It's time to land. Hold on to yer asses.

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