[1]: Dr. Strange

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2017 New York City
"I have been falling for 30 minutes!"

THOR AND NIKITA stood outside of the address that they found on the card that was present when Loki disappeared. Thor knocked on the door, and without it opening up, they were suddenly inside. The room was dark and filled with what looked like ancient artifacts. As the strained couple looked around the room, they didn't notice Dr. Stephen Strange appear.

"Thor Odinson, Nikita Romanoff." They heard their names which made them both turn around on high alert. Dr. Strange was levitating in the air, and Thor held out his umbrella, which was his hammer in disguise as Dr. Strange floated over to them. "God of Thunder. Captain Phoenix." He stopped and brought himself down to the ground in front of him.

"You can put down the umbrella, and move your hand from your gun holster." Dr. Strange said to them. Nikita brought her hand out from behind her back while Thor set his umbrella down, and as soon as he did, they were transported into another room.

Nikita and Thor both looked around, while Thor picked up something and Nikita turned to Dr. Strange. "So, Earth has wizards now?" She asked. Then she heard a crashing noise and when she turned around, Thor was trying to put back what he had picked up, causing the whole structure to fall apart. Nikita simply sighed and turned around.

"The preferred term is 'Master of the Mystic Arts.' You can leave that now." Dr. Strange said.

"Alright, wizard. Who are you? Why should we care?" Thor asked.

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange, and I have some questions for you. Take a seat." He said to the couple. Before they could even look around for chairs, they were already both seated in cushioned chairs and Nikita looked up, surprised.

"Wow." She said.

"Tea?" He asked. Nikita looked in her hand because she felt a warmth through her glove and she had a teacup in her hands. She looked up at Dr. Strange in awe, and she was intrigued.

"Thank you." She said.

"I don't drink tea." Thor said.

"What do you drink?" Dr. Strange asked.

"Not tea."

Nikita looked over and noticed that the tea cup that was in Thor's hands was now replaced by a pint of beer. "So, I keep a watch list of individuals and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world. Your adopted brother, Loki is one of those beings." Dr. Strange said.

As he spoke, Thor had taken a long drink of his beer, drinking half the pint and when he pulled it down from his lips. He and Nikita both watched as it refilled itself. She looked down at her tea to see that it was doing the same thing.

"He's a worthy inclusion." Thor said, wiping his mouth.

"Then why bring him here?" Dr. Strange asked.

"We're looking for my father." Thor said, then Dr. Strange looked at Nikita.

"I was looking for him. Haven't seen him in a year and a half." Nikita said, the bitterness present in her voice which made Thor sigh.

"So, if I were to tell you where Odin was, all parties concerned would promptly return to Asgard?" Dr. Strange asked.

"Promptly." Thor said, nodding his head.

"Great! Then I'll help you." Dr. Strange said, sitting back in his seat.

"If you knew where he was, why didn't you call me?" Thor asked.

"Because you don't have a phone. If you did, our relationship would be a lot easier." Nikita mumbled the last part.

"I have to tell you, he was adamant that he not be disturbed." Dr. Strange said, looking down in his lap before looking back at Thor. "Your father said he had chosen to remain in exile." Dr. Strange said, and Thor nodded his head.

"Hmm." He said.

"And like Miss Romanoff said, you don't have a phone." Dr. Strange spoke.

"No, I don't have a phone, but you could have sent an electronic letter. It's called an email." Thor said, and Nikita looked at him.

"Do you have a computer?" She asked him.

"No, what for?" He asked. Nikita looked at Dr. Strange and shook her head.

"Anyway, my father is no longer in exile. So, if you could tellme where he is, I can take him home." Thor said.

"Gladly, he's in Norway." Dr. Strange said, and then they were all suddenly transported into another room. The couple were now standing with their drinks still in their hands as Dr. Strange flipped through a book. "I'm just seeing whether this incantation requires any Asgardian modifications. Nope." He said, closing the book, and when he shut the book, they were transported into another room.

"Will you stop doing that?" Thor asked, once they settled in one room, and he set his beer down and Nikita finished her tea before setting the cup down as they both approached the wizard.

"I need just one strand of your hair." Dr. Strange said to Thor.

"Let me explain something. My hair is not to be meddled with." Thor said, but Dr. Strange walked behind him and plucked a piece of his hair out which made Nikita laugh and then she noticed as he started to make what seemed like a whip with it, but she was intrigued as he moved them to another room, and Thor came tumbling down the stairs.

"We could have just walked." Thor said as he got off the ground and dusted himself off as Dr. Strange now had a portal open.

"He's waiting for you." Dr. Strange said.

"Alright." Thor said, nodding his head.

"Don't forget your umbrella." Dr. Strange said.

"Oh, yes." Thor said, holding his hand out. The three of them heard as Thor's 'umbrella' clanked its way through things, sounding like some things were getting broken, before it settled into Thor's hands. "I suppose I'll need my brother back." Thor said.

"Oh yeah, right." Dr. Strange said, pointing his hands up towards the ceiling and opening up another portal that Loki dropped right through.

"I have been falling for 30 minutes!" Loki yelled.

"You two can handle him from here." Dr. Strange said to the pair.

"Yes, we can." Nikita said, nodding her head.

"Thank you very much for your help." Thor said as he and Dr. Strange shook hands, and then Nikita shook his hand as well.

"Good luck." He said to them.

"Handle me? Who are you?" Loki asked as he picked himself up off the ground, and brought two blades out from his side. Nikita rolled her eyes.

"Loki, calm down." She said, but he was only focused on Dr. Strange.

"You think you're some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute, you second-rate. .-" Dr. Strange cut Loki off.

". .-Alright, bye bye." He said, throwing the portal over the three of them and Nikita laughed as Loki landed face first in the grass, but then she looked around at the emptiness, the mountains, and just the simple beauty of where they were.

"Well, Asgardians. Welcome to Norway."

Can't wait until Nic and Bruce are reunited again. 2/3 of the science trio.

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