First Day Back.

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thanks for reading!
you are in Slytherin and a 17 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are three years older than the golden trio, and they are currently in second year
this is set during the chamber of secrets year
y/n = first name
l/n = last name
and this is a severus snape x reader fan fiction
it's also my first one, so it's probably not that good.
🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
The sun was covered by clouds, and I could feel a slight breeze upon my shoulders. I look forward, only to see the busy streets of Diagon Alley, the first years panicking with their parents, and the second years screaming with joy at the sight of their friends. I walk into Flourish and Blotts Book Seller which I noticed was much busier than usual. Suddenly I felt a strong push as I lost my balance and braced myself to hit the floor, but i was caught by a pair of hands grabbing me at my waist.
"Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, you have definitely heard of me before, you should watch where you're going though, we wouldn't want that pretty face to get all scratched up now, would we?" The man said with a strong cocky voice. I shuddered at his grip which dare I say, tightened?
"Um...N..No, Sir'" I nervously replied. He pulled me closer to him. I was now shaking uncontrollably, what a disgusting man. So gross, all touchy and no respect for women. I mean I understand it's a crowded place but still, no need to be so fucking close! Ugh, men.
"Oh my god it's Gilderoy Lockhart!" I heard someone scream. He instantly let go of me and started waving to others, with his annoyingly flashy smile. He walked over to behind a table with a load of people gathering round. I looked in his direction, and he sent me a wink. I just eyed him. Gross. There were women swooning over him, I think I could see Mrs Weasley in the crowd. What is wrong with them? Her kids as well, Ron and Jiny I think? Ugh that boy Harry Potter, and Hermione. They were younger than me but I definitely shared that Slytherin hate for them. Everyone pities him for his parents being killed by death eaters, but no one cares that my parents were killed by the order. It's stupid and unfair. And now I could see him being pulled over by that Professor Lockhart.
"It's the boy who lived!"
"Harry Potter!"
"Oh my merlin, would you look at that!"
"y/n!" I heard a voice shout from behind me. It was Draco. He was sort of like my little brother. I spent a lot of time at the Malfoy's manor, Narcissa was a mother to me, and she treated me like I was her own. Lucius was always so nice to me, but he was rarely home, and when he was, he usually shouted at poor little Draco. Draco used to cry a lot, and I was always there to comfort him.
"Hey, Draco!" I exclaimed as I squeezed through the people to see him. He was with Mr. Malfoy, near the stairs.
"Miss l/n, the rumours are true, you do get prettier every time I see you." Lucius said, his hand leaving his cane to greet me with a hug. I giggled as I hugged him and I replied, "You don't look too bad yourself, Lucy!" I laughed. He playfully hit a book on my head, he hated it when I called him that in public, but since I was little that was my nickname for him.
"What, no one can hear!" I cheekily smiled. I turned around and Draco hugged me as well.
"How are you, Draco?" I asked him.
"I'm good, now that you're back!" he shouted. He's such a sweet boy. But his happy expression was instantly changed when Potter and his annoying friends came towards us. All covered in soot, and carrying books. I couldn't be bothered to listen to their petty arguments and I know that Lucius was there and he would definitely join in, so I left, books in hand, towards the door.
Finally, the sweet breathable air. Now I had all my school supplies, I was ready to start the year again.
(time skip-the train)
I walked down the middle of the train looking for an empty compartment, my long robes grazing the floor. An empty compartment! My luck is fucking good. I sit down and take off my small backpack, and take out my mp3 player. I rest my head against the window and gently close my eyes. I'm listening to tears in heaven by Eric Clapton (a/n play it from this part to get the full feel xxx) It's a sad song, and it makes me tear up listening to it, but i do like it, because it's truly beautiful. I guess it reminds me of my parents, and if I saw them in heaven, if I even go to heaven. My drifting thoughts are immediately interpreted by loud voices arguing. One I could recognise, the other sounded familiar. The deep intimidating voice belonged to none other than the scary Professor Snape, and the other I believed was the voice of that Lockhart man. The voices didn't die down, so I decided to get up and go for a walk. Stretch my legs a little. As I walked out of the compartment I turn left, only to bump into something large and hard. I look up, slightly scared, to see dark eyes staring into my soul. The dark eyes of the one and only Professor Snape.
"I..I'm so.. um.. sorry, Professor"

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