Chapter 12

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Severus Snape's POV ~ after the ball

Knock. Knock.

Y/n lay asleep, her head on my chest as I stared with a frown at the pounding from my bedroom door. Whoever dared to lay their hand upon my door at this moment in time had it coming for them, there was no doubt about it. I gently lifted her head and set it down upon my silk pillow, in attempt not to wake her peaceful slumber, and followed by stepping out of the bed my fingers resting on the bridge of my nose as I approached the door. Had we been loud? Yes. Did I care? Quite frankly, no. It was in my luck that the bed lay not in an immediate line of sight from the doorway, so whoever this was would be unable to see the sleeping girl, bare under the covers. I twisted the handle of the door, and peered at the person who stood at the other side.

"Evening Severus," A calming voice uttered a little louder than a whisper."

"Profes- Albus, how may I help you for this-" I looked around, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "fine evening." 

"We must talk, it's urgent." 

"Must we? At 2:30 am?" I said with a frown.

"Severus, it's about the girl who lies in your bed, unclothed after a night of, how do I say this, loud fun?" 

My eyes widened in shock and I started to stutter in attempt to reply.

"I- It's... Well you see, "

"Calm down Severus, you're night time activities do not concern me, even if with one of my favourite students." Albus looked in the room to the direction of the bed, but the lack of light seemed also to be in my favour.

"Then, pray tell, why exactly are you ruining my fabulous night?" I have a significant level of respect for this man, however I do not appreciate his arrival at this time of night.

"I know what you are doing is out of guilt."

"Excuse me?"

"Severus. Guilt is a form pain unlike any other, you cannot revoke it even if you decide to sleep with it. You must face the guilt and come to terms with it. Not bed it." Dumbledore explained. I rolled my eyes at his truth of words. "Tell her, Severus."

"I shall not! It will break her. She will never speak to me again." My tone ruder and louder than before.

"Tell her Severus."

"She will never know. She must never know what happened." I contemplated. The events running through my mind.

"If you do not, then I shall. I am sorry Severus, but it is not fair to drown yourself in her, she's innocent. She doesn't deserve this."

"If she finds out her family cease to exist at the fault of my hands she will never forgive me. Never speak to me again. She would brea-"

"You what?" I heard a voice call from behind me. I turned around instantly and met her shocked eyes with mine. "You kil.. You- I" She breathed shallowly. I reached out to her, to catch the falling tears, but she backed away. 

"Y/n, I didn't- You don't understand," 

"Leave me alone. You're fucking right. I never want to see you again." She had the blanket wrapped around her as she stormed to the door. I turned to see if Albus was still there, but he was not. Always running when he causes all the fucking problems. 

"Y/N wait." I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. 

"Let go of me. Don't fucking touch me." She squirmed looking up at me in fear and shaking her head. I clenched my jaw and uttered a spell under my breath. She collapsed in my hands, her body looking peaceful even though the situation was everything but that. I had to make her forget, she must never know. 

The potion I used was simple, it only allowed her to forget the most recent events, and leave her passed out until the normal hours of the morning. With that I would have enough time to get her back to her dorm and make it seem as if she had forgotten due to a high consumption of alcohol.  And that was exactly what I did. She must never know for I cannot lose her. It is bigger than guilt, he doesn't understand. No one does. And I will never let anyone take her from me.

~~~ A/N hellloooooo, this is a really short chapter but i guess its kinda important ; im sorryy ----  Thank you all for reading , leave comments and vote and stuff ahhaa xxxxxxxxxxx

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