Waking Up in Agrabah

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Ako groaned as she tossed over and woke up in a royal bed. "Huh? Where am I?" She then noticed a tiger sniffing her. "A tiger?" The tiger seemed curious as it was sniffing. "Rajah's just trying to get to know you" said a female voice. The female came in and wore teal clothes, black hair down in a low braid with a tiara and teal shoes. "Oh, good, you're awake. We were quite worried about you." "Um..hello, princess" Ako greeted. "What's your name?" the princess asked. "My name's Ako. I don't know how I got here, but I thank you for this bed if you brought me here." Ako replied. "We had to. You looked like you could use some help and some new clothes." said the princess. "Thank you, Princess?..." Ako drawled out to learn her name. "Jasmine" said the princess. Jasmine showed Ako some royal clothes just for her. "Wow, yellow..." Ako smiled at the color. "Here, Father would like to meet you when you're ready" Jasmine laid out the clothes for Ako. "Thank you, Princess Jasmine" Ako smiled. "Come on, Rajah" Jasmine said to her tiger. They left the room and Ako changed into her new royal clothes. "We don't have clothes like these in Major Land" she thought.

After a few minutes, Ako was now in her royal clothes. "I think I look pretty good in these" she smiled. She then left the room and looked around. Ako was in some sort of Arabian Palace. She walked down the halls until she got to the throne room which was where Jasmine's father was waiting for her. "Good morning, sir" Ako greeted. "Hello, my dear," the Sultan greeted back. "I see you managed to find appropriate clothing. Have a seat, I'd like to speak with you" "Yes, Your Majesty" Ako bowed before sitting down. "Thank you, my dear. Now, first thing's first, who are you and where did you come from?" the Sultan said. "I'm Princess Ako Shirabe of Major Land. Daughter of Mephisto and Aphrodite" Ako introduced herself. "Major Land? I thought that was just a legend" said the Sultan. "It's real, believe me. I'm currently living in a town with my friends that is far away from here and Major Land" said Ako. "Sounds mysterious..." the Sultan replied. "Also, I couldn't help but notice you were alone when we found you. Where are your family or friends?" "...I don't know. Last time I saw them, we were together and I'm almost always with them" Ako replied. "It's quite alright, we'll help you find them" Sultan soothed her. Although Ako is having this dream alone, there's a chance that her friends could be somewhere in it too. "They mean a lot to me" said Ako. "I'll send my guards out and see if they can find them" said Sultan. "Thank you, Your Majesty" said Ako.

Sultan soon summoned the guards. "What is it, Your Majesty?" asked the head guard. "Razoul, I'd like you to find anyone here who might know this girl" the Sultan said, referring to Ako. Ako drew a picture of what her friends look like and showed it to Razoul. "This is what they look like" she said. "These people shouldn't be too hard to find, Your Majesty" said Razoul. "That'll be all for now" the Sultan let them go off. The guards began their search for Ako's friends. "Now all we can do now is wait" said Sultan. "I appreciate the hospitality" Ako smiled until she felt a cold chill and looked up to see a man behind her. "I was told there was a new resident among us" said the man. "Raw! New resident" A parrot parroted as it was on the man's shoulder. "Ako, this is my royal vizier, Jafar" said the Sultan. "Um, pleasure to meet you, sir" Ako bowed. "Likewise" Jafar replied. "And who's this?" Ako asked referring to the parrot. "This is my parrot, Iago" said Jafar. "Can I pet him?" asked Ako. "Sure" Jafar replied. While the Sultan talked to Jafar, Ako reached out her hand to pet Iago. The parrot merely glanced at her at first, but when she started to pet him, he purred. Normally, Iago didn't like to be touched, but Ako gave him a sweet smile and he seemed relaxed. "You remind me of my bird back at home" Ako said to him softly. "Your Majesty, may I got into your garden?" she asked the Sultan. "Of course. Right this way" the Sultan went to lead her there. "Excuse us, Jafar". "Of course, Your Majesty" Jafar bowed. "That new girl sure knows how to treat a bird" Iago said once the Sultan and Ako went into the garden. "She did seem harmless. We may have to get to know her better; if you know what I mean" said Jafar. "Yeah. Maybe she could be the diamond in the rough" said Iago. "As soon as we get the sultan's ring, we'll find out soon enough" said Jafar. He then went with Iago to a secret room.

Meanwhile, in a desert close to a nearby town, Hibiki woke up and found Kanade, Ellen and Hummy with her. "Girls? Where did you all come from?" she asked them. "I was thinking the same thing. But more importantly, where are we?" asked Kanade. "And why are we wearing these Arabian clothes?" asked Ellen. "A second ago, we were all sleeping at Hibiki's house-nya" said Hummy. "Wait, where's Ako?" asked Hibiki. The girls looked around and noticed that Ako was missing. "Maybe she's not having the same dream that we are right now" said Ellen. "That's a possibility. Or maybe she's somewhere in that town over there" said Kanade, pointing to the town nearby. "Maybe. Let's look around the town and see if we can find her" said Hibiki. "Right" everyone said. As they walked over to the town, Hibiki had a thought. "This place...Haven't I seen it before?"

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