Cave Of Wonders and Friend Like Me

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Aladdin and the girls were locked up in the dungeon. Aladdin struggled to free himself. "She was the princess..." he mumbled to himself. "I can't believe it...I must have sounded so stupid to her!" "I hope Ako's okay" said Hibiki. Then everyone heard Abu calling to them. "Abu, down here!" Aladdin smiled to him. Abu came down to help them. "Come on, help us out of these" said Aladdin. But first, Abu had to get some rage out towards Aladdin. "Hey, she was in trouble, ah, she was worth it" Aladdin replied. "Yeah, yeah, yeah" Abu muttered as he went to help Aladdin out of his shackles. "Don't worry, Abu, I'll never see her again" Aladdin promised. "I'm a street rat, remember and there's a law. She's gotta marry a prince...She deserves a prince" Abu rolled his eyes as he freed Aladdin. "I-I'm a fool" Aladdin said as he rubbed his wrists. "Mind freeing us next?" Hibiki asked Abu. The monkey then freed the girls. "You're only a fool if you give up, boy" an old man's voice said to Aladdin. "Who said that?" asked Kanade. Everyone looked to see an old man in the corner. "Who are you?" Aladdin asked. "A lowly prisoner like yourselves" the old man replied mysteriously. "But together, perhaps we can be more" "We're listening" said Kanade. "There is a cave, children." the old man told them. "A cave of wonders. Filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams. Treasure enough to impress even your princess or anyone else you may desire, I'd wager" "Jafar, can you hurry up? I'm dying in here" Iago said under the old man's coat. The old man shoved his parrot and kept the disguise of him actually being Jafar. "But the law says that only a prince can marry-" Aladdin spoke up. "You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you boy?" the old man replied. "Whoever has the gold makes all the rules" he then grinned, showing his hideous and disgusting mouth. "Ew" Hibiki groaned. "So why would you share all this wonderful treasure with us?" asked Ellen. "I need some young ones with strong legs and strong backs to go after it" the old man replied. "Uh, one problem. It's out there and we're in here" said Ellen. The old man pushed his cane against the wall to show a secret passageway to the outside world. "Things aren't always what they seem. So do we have a deal?" he said. Abu shrugged. "Might as well if we're gonna get out of here" said Kanade.

The old man took them to a cave which had the face of a wild cat with glowing white eyes. "Who disturbs my slumber?" the cave demanded. "It is I, Aladdin" Aladdin replied as Abu his underneath his vest in fear. "And his friends" Hibiki spoke up. Hummy looked scared in Hibiki's arms. "Proceed" the cave opened up its mouth to let them pass through. "Touch nothing but the lamp" "Remember, boy!" the old man called to Aladdin. "First, fetch me the lamp, and then you shall have your reward!" "Come on, guys" Aladdin told his friends. The group went down the stairs and entered into the Cave of Wonders. They looked around the entire treasure room. "Wow, this is amazing" said Hibiki. "The lamp could be anywhere in this place" said Kanade. "Yeah. We'll have to be extra careful" asked Ellen. Abu peeked out and ran for a treasure. "ABU!" Aladdin stopped his monkey friend. Abu stopped before landing on a carpet in the middle of the floor. "Don't...touch...anything!" Aladdin warned. "We gotta find that lamp." "Yeah" Hummy nodded in firm agreement. Abu and Hummy then began to follow everyone until they felt like they were being followed. They looked to the carpet which came alive to mess with them until they got mad at it. Abu and Hummy ran over to the others and tried to warn them about the living carpet. "Hummy, Abu, what's gotten into you?" asked Hibiki. "That!" Hummy pointed to the carpet as it had come alive. "Wow, a magic carpet" Ellen smiled. "Come on" Aladdin cooed to the carpet. "Come on out. We're not gonna hurt you" The carpet shyly came out and held out Abu's hat in its tassels. Abu took his hat and angrily chattered at the carpet. "Hey, take it easy, Abu. He's not gonna bite" said Kanade. The carpet felt hurt by Abu and walked the other way slowly and sadly. "Abu" Hummy glared at the monkey. "Hey, wait a minute, don't go" Ellen cooed to the carpet. "Maybe you could help us?" The carpet seemed to come back happily to that. Ellen smiled to that. "We're trying to find a lamp" The carpet then gestured for everyone to follow it. "I think he knows where it is-nya" Hummy said to the others. "Let's go then!" said Aladdin. "Follow that carpet" said Ellen.

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