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The next morning, a merchant was placing watermelons on his stand until Abu started messing with him only to distract him while Aladdin got some fruit for his new friends. And it worked because Aladdin got plenty of food for them all. "Here you go guys." Aladdin smiled to the girls. "Breakfast is served" As they ate their breakfast, Jasmine and Ako were walking through the marketplace. Luckily, no one recognized them. "Wow, there sure are a lot of things to buy" Ako smiled. "Pretty lady, buy a pot" one shopkeeper said to Jasmine. "No finer pot in brass or silver" "Sugar dates, sugar dates and figs!" a second shopkeeper called to Jasmine. "Sugar dates and pistachios!" "Would the lady like a necklace?" a third shopkeeper smirked to Jasmine. "A pretty necklace for the pretty lady. "Fresh fish!" a fourth shopkeeper called out, showing a fish right in front of the princess. "We catch 'em, you buy 'em!" "Um, no thank you, sir" said Ako. "I don't think so" Jasmine then accidentally bumped into a fire eater. The fire eater yelped and burped up a flame making Jasmine's hood fall. Aladdin looked over and he looked attracted to Jasmine right away. "We're very sorry for bumping into you sir" Ako said to the fire eater. "Wow..." Aladdin gazed. Jasmine put her hood back on her head. Abu noticed that Aladdin was suddenly distracted and tried to wake him up, but Aladdin was too focused on Jasmine.

Jasmine and Ako then saw a boy who was hungry, but had no money for food. "Oh, you must be hungry" Jasmine cooed. Then she took an apple for him and gave it to him. "Here you go." The boy smiled in thanks as he accepted the apple and ran off happily. "You'd better be able to pay for that" the proprietor glared to Jasmine. "Pay?" Jasmine replied, sounding surprised that she would have to pay for something. "Uh-oh..." Ako said, scared. "No one steals from my cart!" the proprietor grabbed Jasmine. "I'm sorry sir." Jasmine smiled apologetically. "I don't have any money." "Me neither" said Ako. "Thieves!" the proprietor glared. "Please, if you let us go to the palace, we can get some from the Sultan!" Jasmine grew nervous. "Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?!" the proprietor took out a blade to cut off their hands. "No, please, sir, please" Ako begged. "Thank you, kind sir!" Aladdin rushed over and stopped the blade from slicing Jasmine's hand off. "I'm so glad you found them" He then scolded to Jasmine "I've been looking all over for you!" "What are you doing?" Jasmine whispered. "Just play along" Aladdin whispered back. "Sadly, yes. The woman is his sister and the little girl is my sister. They're both a little crazy" Hibiki added herself in. "They said they know the Sultan!" the proprietor told them. "They think the monkey is the Sultan" Aladdin made up. Abu was trying to steal, but then looked innocent as all eyes were on him. "Oh, wise Sultan!" Jasmine said before bowing with Ako. "How may we serve you?" "Well..." Abu thought about it before making up demands and patting them both on the hand. He chattered. "Tragic, isn't it?" Aladdin replied as he snuck apples for Jasmine and Ako. "But, no harm done" "Uh, yeah, comes on guys, let's go to the doctor" said Kanade. "Well, hello Doctor. How are you?" Ako asked a camel. "No, no, no, not that one" Aladdin said before calling to Abu. "Come on, Sultan" Abu chattered and took a bow before making his jewels fall out from his vest which made him panic. "Let's run while we can" said Ellen. "Come back here you little thieves!" the proprietor demanded as they all ran away just in time.

Aladdin led everyone back to his place. "That was close" Hibiki sighed. "No kidding" said Kanade. It was getting dark but they were almost at Aladdin's place. "Almost there" Aladdin said as he helped Jasmine up. "I want to thank you for stopping that man" said Jasmine. "Uh, forget it" Aladdin smiled shyly as he grabbed a pole. "So, this is your first time in the marketplace, huh?" "It sure is" said Ako. "Is it that obvious?" Jasmine asked. "Well, you do kind of stand out" Aladdin replied. The girls smirked at each other as it was obviously clear that Aladdin was hitting on Jasmine. "I like where this is going-nya" Hummy whispered. Aladdin made a path for his friends to walk on using a wooden board. "I mean, uh, you don't seem to notice how dangerous Agrabah can be" he said to Jasmine. Jasmine went forward with her own pole, surprising the others. "I'm a fast learner" She tossed the pole back to Aladdin who then gave it to Abu. "Come on, this way" Aladdin continued to lead the others to his place. "So this is where you live?" asked Ako. "Yep. Just me and Abu. Come and go as we please" Aladdin replied. "That sounds fabulous" Jasmine commented. "Well, it's not much" Aladdin said as he pulled back the curtain to show a view of the palace. "But it's got a great view. The palace looks pretty amazing, huh?" "Oh, it's wonderful" Jasmine turned away. "It must be amazing to live there" Kanade smiled. "I've always wondered what it would be like" Aladdin agreed. "To have servants and valets..." "Oh, sure" Jasmine scoffed. "People who tell you where to go and how to dress." "Yeah, that's not the life anyone would like to have" said Ako. "It's better than here" Aladdin said to them. "Always scraping for food and ducking the guards." "You're not free to make your own choices" Jasmine continued to rant about her life. "Sometimes you feel so-" Aladdin started. "Trapped" Aladdin and Jasmine then said together in unison before looking into each other's eyes. The girls smiled as Aladdin and Jasmine appeared to be in love with each other. Aladdin took an apple and gave it to Jasmine. "So, where are you from?" "What does it matter?" Jasmine replied. "I ran away and I'm not going back" "Really? How come?" Ellen asked. "My father's forcing me to get married" Jasmine sighed. "That's...That's awful" Aladdin said softly until he saw his monkey friends trying to get the apple "ABU!" Abu chattered and cursed with a glare as he was called out. "Hey, watch your language-nya" Hummy warned the monkey. "What did he say?" Jasmine asked. "Abu says, uh,...that's not fair" Aladdin replied. "What?!" Abu blinked as that clearly wasn't what he said. "Oh, did he?" Jasmine smirked to Aladdin. "Yes, of course" Aladdin replied. "And does Abu have anything else to say?" Jasmine asked. "Well, uh, he wishes there was something he could do to help" said Aladdin. "Oh boy..." Abu grumbled and rolled his eyes. "Hm...Tell him that's very...Sweet" Jasmine said as it looked like she and Aladdin were about to kiss. 'They're gonna kiss!' Ellen thought to herself with a smile. 'I hope they kiss' Ako thought to herself with a smile back.

"HERE YOU ARE!" a sharp voice called and everyone looked to see the guards. "They're after me!" Aladdin and Jasmine cried before looking at each other in confusion. "They're after you?" "The Sultan must've sent them" said Ako. "Do you trust me?" Aladdin asked. "What?" Jasmine looked to him. "Do you trust me?" Aladdin repeated firmly. Jasmine took his hand with a shrug. "Yes...?" "Then jump!" Aladdin said before jumping down with her to escape the guards. "Wait for us!" Hibiki called as she jumped down with the others. Everyone ran until they ran into another guard. "We just keep running into each other, don't we street rat?" Razoul smirked to Aladdin. Abu then pulled down Razoul's turban to blind him so Aladdin and the others could run away. Hibiki, Kanade, Ellen and Ako took out their Cure Modules. But before they could transform, the guards caught them. "It's the dungeon for you and your new friends, boy!" Razoul grabbed a hold of Aladdin. "Let them go!" Jasmine told Razoul. "Lookie here men, a street mouse!" Razoul laughed and shoved Jasmine firmly to the ground. "Unhand them!" Jasmine firmly stood up again before throwing down her hood to reveal herself. "By order of the princess!" Razoul laughed until he recognized her. "Princess Jasmine!" Ako shook her head to make her hood fall down. "The princess?" Aladdin looked surprised to Jasmine. Abu chattered from inside the vase the guards threw him in. "What are you two doing outside the palace and with this street rats and others?" Razoul asked Jasmine and Ako. "That's not your concern and just so you know, these girls are the ones I gave the description of my friends" said Ako. "Do as we command, release them!" Jasmine glared. "Well, I would you two, except my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him" Razoul replied. "Believe me, we will" Jasmine glared.

Back in the palace..."Jafar!" Jasmine and Ako called for the Sultan's Royal Vizier. "Oh, princess, young Ako" Jafar smiled before he shut the door on his parrot by accident which made him get painfully stuck. "How may I be of service to you two?" "The guards just took a boy and his friends from the market on your orders!" Jasmine firmly told him while Ako firmly nodded. "Your father's charged me with keeping peace in Agrabah" Jafar replied innocently. "The boy and those others were criminals" "What were their crimes?" asked Ako. "Why, kidnapping the princess and her new guest of course" Jafar replied. "They didn't kidnap us! We ran away!" Jasmine hissed. "Oh, dear!" Jafar walked away, feigning shock. "Oh, why frightfully upsetting...Had I but known" 'What do you mean?" Ako asked. "Sadly, their sentences have already been carried out" Jafar replied. "What sentence?" Jasmine asked. "Death" Jafar said in a menacing tone. "By beheading." Jasmine gasped. "What?!" Ako said with wide eyes. "I am exceedingly sorry, you two" Jafar said to them. "How could you?!" Jasmine asked before she ran out of the room, crying. Ako ran after her. Iago managed to get himself free. He then gasped for air and panted before coming onto Jafar's shoulder. "So, how did it go?" he asked. "I think they took it rather well" Jafar smirked sinisterly to his parrot. Even though Ako was sad, she still had to comfort Jasmine as she was her friend. Rajah approached them in hopes to help comfort them. "It's all my fault, Rajah" Jasmine sniffled as she cried. "I didn't even know his name. Ako comforted the best she could hoping that her friends would somehow escape because they were Pretty Cure.

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