New Responsibilities

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"Isn't there anything we can do to fix you?" I asked. My voice was muffled against Coulson's shoulder.

"Probably," said Coulson pulling away from the hug. "but we shouldn't. I cheated death once before, I don't want to do it again."

"I'm going to miss you." I looked up at him, trying to memorize his smile. I added his face to the memories of everyone I lost.

"There is one more thing I should tell you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I want you to take over directorship of SHIELD."

I gaped at him. Shock chasing away my sadness. "What? How is that—"

Coulson gave me a watery grin. "I have already talked to Fury and he agrees. Of course you won't start now. You're still in school among many reasons."

"When will I start?" I asked still phased.

"Whenever you want. Until than Mack will be temporary director."

"But how will I know when I'm ready? How do I know when I should?"

Coulson shook his head smiling. "Fury is on vacation indefinitely. But he still has his eyes on things. When he thinks it is a good time for you to take charge, he will contact you."

"Kendra are you listening to me?" asked Dad. I shook away the memory and nodded.

"Your goal is to shoot the arrow through the target at just the right angle. If you do it correctly the arrow will go through the other ten targets."

I cocked an arrow and stepped up to the line Dad drew in the dirt.

"Aren't arrows outdated?" I grinned at him cheekily.

"If you can aim well with an arrow, you can aim with anything."

I rolled my eyes and drew the arrow. I took a deep breath and aimed at the first target which was hanging from a tree in our backyard. This summer I was staying with Dad on the farm he had helped build. It was supposed to be a safe place for our family to stay and just be a family. Now it was just Dad and I living in it. Maria Hill has stopped by once or twice, but besides that nothing eventful had happened.

I stilled my mind, then let the arrow fly. It whizzed through the first target, then the next, then the next. Dad went and retrieved the arrow.

"It missed the ninth target by inches and the tenth by a few more," Dad called from the other side of the trees.

I let out a defeated sigh. "Is there something wrong with my stance?"

Dad handed me the arrow. "Try tilting your arrow an inch higher."

I was about the do as he said when the ringing of my phone Echoed through the field. Very few people had this number so I dropped my bow and arrow immediately to answer it.

"Hello," I said informing Dad's concerned expression.

"Hey Kendra, this is Happy."

"Why are you calling?" I asked. He didn't have this number? How had he gotten it? Had something happened?

"I was just at an art gallery and I was wondering if you knew about this painting where the pharaoh had a lot of ancient Egyptians—"

"Yes I loved that painting." I said hastily. "But I don't love being interrupted during training."

I hung up quickly. The Pharaoh had a lot of ancient Egyptians. That was the code phrase Peter and I came up with for if he ever needed my help. It wasn't the best code. In our defense we came up with it at three.

I turned to Dad. "Peter's in trouble I have to go."

"I'll go with you." Dad grabbed his bow.

I shook my head. "He asked for my help. I need to go alone."

Dad pit down his bow eyes were swimming with emotion. "Be back by dinner."

I nodded. "If not I'll text you."

I had no idea where Peter was or if I had ever been there, but I did know I had been on the plane that Happy was most likely in so I closed my eyes and apparated there.

"Holy shit!"

I opened my eyes and saw Happy and Peter staring at me with wide eyes.

"Nice suit." I gestured to Peter's new Spider-Man suit.

"How—?" Spluttered Happy.

"Magic. How did you expect me to get here with such short notice?"

"I just did what he said." Happy straightened his suit and huffed.

I looked at Peter and saw something in his eyes. Something that shook me.

"After whatever this is ends, we going to chat. I haven't talked to you since everything happened." I said firmly.

He half smiled. "Yeah."

I looked at him for a moment, then went back to the task at hand. "Okay, so what do I need to do?"

Peter stepped towards the door of the plane. "Happy knows the plan. I'll see you after." Then he jumped out.

I stared for a moment as the door closed. Something was destroying the city'. People were running and screaming as ruble fell.

"What do I need to do?"

Happy stood up. "I'm evacuating civilians. Peter said you were good at protecting people."

I mused for a moment. "So he wants me to make sure his fight doesn't hurt other people."

Happy nodded.

I wished I wasn't wearing leggings and a T-shirt, but that's just life.

"Good thing I brought my wand. Can't stop falling buildings on my own."

With that, I exited the plan and entered the fray.

Hey Everyone, sorry this took so long. Life has been really crazy and I'm about to start school.

Forever and Always,


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