This Seems Sketchy

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With my wand in one hand and a knife in the other, we moved into the graveyard. Keeping his hand closed tightly on the wand in his jacket pocket, Harry moved toward the nearest grave.

"Look at this, it's an Abbott, could be some long-lost relation of Hannah's!"

"Keep your voice down," Hermione begged him.
We waded deeper and deeper into the graveyard, gouging dark tracks into the snow behind them, stooping to peer at the words on old headstones, every now and then squinting into the surrounding darkness to make absolutely sure that they were unaccompanied.

"Harry, here!"

Hermione was two rows of tombstones away; he had to wade back to her. I glanced over her shoulder and suppressed a gasp.

"Is it — ?" asked Harry.

"No, but look!"

She pointed to the dark stone. upon the frozen, lichen-spotted granite, the words Kendra Dumbledore and, a short way below her dates of birth and death, and Her Daughter Ariana. There was also a quotation:

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

So Rita Skeeter and Muriel had got some of their facts right. The Dumbledore family had indeed lived here, and part of it had died here.

"It's trippy seeing my name on a gravestone; Even if it is just my first name." I brushed some snow off it's stoney surface as I talked.

Harry and Hermione turned to me with, each with a sober expression.

"Don't you ever make us see it for real," Hermione ordered with tears in her eyes.

I looked at the two, shocked at their serious expressions. I held up my hands in surrender, but made no promises.

"We mean it," said Harry.

"I know." I gave him a meaningful look, and tried to make him understand that I couldn't make those kind of promises. It wasn't fair of me to make them, or him to ask me to.

He turned away abruptly. "Let's keep looking."

Hermione and I followed him, not meeting his eye.

"Here!" cried Hermione again a few moments later from out of the darkness. "Oh no, sorry! I thought it said Potter."

She was rubbing at a crumbling, mossy stone, gazing down at it, a little frown on her face.

"Come back a moment."

Harry and I walked over to her briskly.

"What?" I asked.

"Look at this!"

The grave was extremely old and weathered. Hermione pointed to the symbol beneath it.

"Harry, Kendra, that's the mark in the book!"

I lit my wand to get a closer look. "It does look scarily similar. I wouldn't be surprised if it is."

Hardy stood up. "I'm going to keep looking for my parents, all right?"

I gazed up at his stony face. "We'll look too."

I decided to give Harry some space and look around with Hermione. I wandered around the graveyard with Hermione until she grabbed my hand, and stopped me abruptly.

"There is it," she breathed. I bent down to look at the grave she was pointing at and brushed away some snow. Sure enough, the headstone had the names of Harry's parents engraved on it. Under the names was an inscription: The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

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