Snake Attack

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We had been waiting for a few minutes, when a thud echoed from upstairs. I jumped up and ran up the stairs. I was almost to the top when I heard Harry scream. I sprinted the last few steps and threw open the door. A large snake was wrapped around Harry, trapping his hands and squeezing the air from his lungs.

My wand was out in an instant. "Confringo."

The snake flew off of Harry and hit the wall hard. Hardy scrambled up. The snake coiled in on itself and turned towards the door. I turned and saw Hermione standing in the doorway. The snake struck, and Hermione dived aside with a shriek; her deflected curse hit the curtained window, which shattered. Frozen air filled the room as I ducked to avoid another shower of broken glass.

I grabbed a knife and threw it at the snake. It sunk into its tail and the animal hissed, but did not stop attacking. Hermione was nowhere to be seen and for a moment I thought the worst, but then there was a loud bang and a flash of red light, and the snake flew into the air, smacking Harry hard in the face as it went, coil after heavy coil rising up to the ceiling.

"He's coming! Kendra, coming!" Harry yelled. I knew exactly who he was talking about, and for a split second I felt my heart stop.

"Forget about the snake," I yelled after throwing another attack spell its way. "We need to get out of here."

The snake fell, hissing wildly. Everything was chaos: It smashed shelves from the wall, and splintered china flew everywhere as Harry jumped over the bed and seized Hermione. I ran towards them and pulled the across the bed just as the snake tried to strike again.

"It's a bit hard to forget about the snake," roared Harry.

"Fair point." I caught Harry as he fell back holding his forehead. I dragged Hardy and Hermione back, as it struck Hermione screamed, "Confringo!" and her spell flew around the room, exploding the wardrobe mirror and ricocheting back at them, bouncing from floor to ceiling; Glass cut my cheek as, the blast pushed me to the ground. Harry pulling he leapt from bed to broken dressing table, pulling Hermione and I with him and then straight out of the smashed window into nothingness, Hermione's scream reverberating through the night as we twisted in midair.

Then there was a pop, and I felt Hermione pulling us through space. I hit the ground hard, Harry collapsing on top of me. Hermione landed next to me. It only took me a second it realize we were back in our tent.

"Harry?" Hermione gasped. I rolled him off me, and realized he was still unconscious. At least, that was what I thought, until he began muttering and twisting like he was having a bad dream. Then I saw the blood smeared over the ground and across my shirt.

"Are you bleeding?" asked Hermione.

I shook my head, and pointed towards Harry, who was still writhing on the ground and moaning. His left shirt sleeve was soaked in blood and torn near his shoulder.

Hermione began pulling things out of her purse. Once she had her materials, she turned back to Harry.

"I can't treat him when he's moving that much," Hermione said, her voice strained. "What are we going to do?"

"I'll hold him down while you fix his arm, hopefully he'll stop once the wound is treated."

I sat on his legs held his arms still while Hermione treated him. However, once he was treated his condition did not improve. Hermione had to use a hovering charm to get him into his bunk. He continued to mutter and moan, but his body stilled. At a certain point I couldn't take it any more, and I went outside the tent.

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