Chapter 84

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Age ain't nothing but a number

Chapter 84

One week later


I was shocked when Norman told me that Ming has Rai, that Bec dropped her off with him to finish filming, I called her when I found out she sounded sad, and Norman suggested that maybe I should go and see her. I decided to surprise her so she has to see me.

"Now momma bear stay safe. Go see what's happening to Bec."

"Okay babe, now Charley be good for Norman."

"Yes, mommy."

Norman walked me out to the car and stopped me before I got in.

"Babe, I've been meaning to ask you, I've been thinking about when I can adopt Charley. I love her as I love you and with the babies coming, we have to think up some names."

"You want to be her daddy?"

"Yeah. I want to."

"Yeah, I'd love you to be her daddy too." I leaned up and kissed him.

"Well, I'll get it started with my lawyer soon."

"You know I love you so much. I can't wait until we're a family."

"We already are but it'll just be official."

"Okay, I'll go see our girl. Bye Norman."

I flew into Lana'i, it's been forever since I've been here, I might suggest coming back with Norman but he'd probably go back to Costa Rica he loves it there, I had asked Bec earlier for her address with the idea I was sending her a food basket. I walked up to the door and knocked, it opened and I was shocked Rebecca has lost more weight since I last saw her.

"Hey, sis."

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Costa Rica."

"Well, I was but I thought I'd come and see you."

"Well, come on in. Sorry, I've been a bit lazy so forgive me." I walk inside the house and it's dark the curtains and blinds are closed, and there's clutter everywhere.

"What's happening, babe?"

"No reason to do anything is there? I'm washing so that's all that matters right?"

"Babe it's obvious you're not well. Have you talked to Ming or Rai?"

"No, not really, I can't."

"I'm sure they miss you you do too."


"Honey, what's wrong?"

"I feel useless all I am is an actress and not even a good one. I can't wait for this to be over."

"You aren't useless. Your baby doesn't think you are useless and neither does Ming, they love you. Why don't we open the curtains and blinds and maybe throw all this away it looks messy. You're a great actress, you didn't sleep your way to getting that golden globe, did you? If we don't do you think Ming would bring your daughter in here?"

"He won't because I'm a horrible mother, who dumps her daughter with her father to work."

"Why did you? You fought to have her with you, then changed your mind."

"Well, it started when I couldn't feed her anymore, I wasn't able to pump on set, I'm not being treated the way I feel I should be, between the hours and the way I've had some of the men talk to me because of my costumes it's all too much."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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