Field Trip

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Yeah so this is my first fanfiction posted and I'm sorry y'all choose to read this.... if you did

So in this civil war and homecoming happened and Peter lives at the tower/compound and the team made up an is rly protective,,,,,,,,

if I stole your ideas I ammmmmm sorrrrrryyyy dm or something and ill give you credit??? or if u want I'll just delete the chapter that took your ideas


Peter was having a very crappy day. As soon as he got to school he was tripped by the school bullies, Flash and Hannah. (i made her up because I don't know any more names) Sure, his spidey sense knew that it was going to happen but he couldn't do anything without looking... well without looking like Spiderman. At his locker, he switched out his textbooks and stood to wait for Ned. However, over the loudspeaker, the principal called for an assembly, with all the decathlon team, in the gym. Which was very unusual because nothing ever happened to be worthy of a meeting. Peter was swept up by the crowd of high school students heading for their classes.


Peter turned around and looked for his buddy, Ned. Ned was pushing through the crowd of people in the small school hallway. He reached Peter and tried to tell him something but was drowned out but their classmates. Peter leaned down with his ear next to Ned's face.

"Dude, I got a new Star Wars lego set! After school wanna come to my house and build it?" Ned's face was lit up in a bright smile, and Peter couldn't say no.

"Of course, but I won't be able to stay for long. I've got responsibilities, Spiderman responsibilities." Ned nodded, rather fast, and the gasped. "What is it, Ned?"

"Can I be- Can I be the guy in the chair... for you? Or really Spiderman, I guess." They made it to the gym and the team sat on the chairs that were set out.

Of course dude! You're the best guy in the chair!"

"Wait, are you an Aveng-"Ned was cut off by the principal as he tested the microphone.

"Why does he need a microphone? We're all right here!"

"Hello? Ah yes, it's working now." The principal, Mr. Syo, was standing on the portable stage and was holding a piece of paper with his announcement on it. "As a reward for your amazing performance in D.C., you will take a celebratory trip to... STARK INDUSTRIES! (airhorn noises)"

The principal droned on but Peter was off in worry land. Everyone in the gym was excited but Peter was not. He knew Mr. Stark had planned this to humiliate him but with Flash, on the trip, it might end up differently.

----Time Skipping, Yay----

Flash's parent was very influential and rich. This made Flash get whatever he wanted from teachers so they wouldn't get fired. So they turned a blind eye on Flash bullying Peter. On the bus Flash was hitting him with spit-balls, the teacher looked like he was going to tell Flash off but resisted, and Ned and Peter were talking about Star Wars. The road was bumpy and Flash missed more than hit, so Peter was grateful for the path the driver had taken.

The bus pulled up to the tower (pretend Mr. Stark still owns it) and slide to a stop. The team piled out and stood under the building, looking up in awe. The tour guide came out and stood beside them.

"Hey Class! My name is Samantha and I will be your tour guide for today. Any questions before we start? Okay, The kid in the orange shirt."

"Will we see the Avengers?"

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