Spider-Man Meeting the Avengers Part 6

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Instead of taking out one of the strongest members on our team, the bullet grazed my back. I was perfectly fine, but if Mr. Stark found out I would be toast. Wanda and I both rolled across the room, stopped when we hit the couch. The bullet buried itself into the wall right above the couch. My face was on fire. I couldn't tell if it was all the stares or my proximity to Wanda. I quickly removed myself from on top of her and stood in the center of the room.

"Ok, what the hell was that?"


Sam was probably scared. He was most likely thinking, How the hell did this scrawny white kid push Wanda out of the way of a sniper bullet? I sighed.

"Not the most important thing right now. What we need to do is get out of here right now, because something is going to happen and it's not going to be good." At my words I looked at Mr. Stark, to see if he would take over, but he had a weird expression on his face. Pride. It was pride. Mr. Stark was proud of me! I internally squealed, but quickly gained control over my emotions.

"What do you mean?" God, these people were really dumb for superheroes.

"So, I'm Spider-Man-" I heard many sounds of confusion, but then silence. So I started talking again. "I have this power, it's this feeling I get when something bad or dangerous is going to happen. It's how I predicted the bullet. I can't tell what the next thing is yet, but I do know it's big, and probably going to kill all of us if we don't get out of the building." This was met with many blank stares.

"You heard him, folks. Let's get going." Tony startled us all, clapping his hands. "I'm gonna go check on JARVIS, and you should start evacuating the nearest floors. Chop chop, people!" We all scrambled into action, most of us running to our rooms to put on our suits. I was one of the first to make it back into the lounge and told Steve I would be taking the lab floors. He nodded as he tightened his shield.

As I ran down the stairs, Mr. Stark turned off the elevator in case there were intruders, the feeling I had got worse and worse. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and had to steady myself. The feeling finally became clear. There wasn't going to be intruders, but there was going to be a bomb. I was much too far down to run back up the stairs in time, but I had to warn Mr. Stark somehow. There was an open window at the end of the hallway I had ended up in. If I could make it there in time-


New plan. I needed to warn as many floors as possible then get to the entrance to the building and help people out.


I ran to the edge off the hallway and launched myself out of the window. Mr. Stark came down the stairs at the last second. I managed to turn and smile at him before I started to free-fall.

"Don't you fucking dare- " Oh, shit. I guess I'll have to deal with that later.


T- "Peter Parker I swear, the next time you jump out of a window, I will skin you alive."

P-"Oh good, you've got the comms working."

T-" Why?"

P- "I figured out what it is. It's a bomb, Tony. You have to hurry. By my estimation, we've got about 8 minutes before it blows, but everyone needs to be as far away as possible. Is everyone else listening?"

They all responded with a chorus of yesses.


By now I was a couple of stories lower, but I had to break a couple of windows to get in. Mr. Stark is a billionaire. He can pay for it. Right? I still launched myself through the window. It shattered, and I nearly landed on some poor dude.

As soon as I got my feet steadied I yelled, "Everyone please make their way to the elevator! There is going to be a bomb going off in-"


"6 minutes! Move! Move! If you can, warn the people on the nest levels!"


P- "Hey.

T- "What's wrong?"

P-"Are you guys outside?"

S-"Yeah, we're looking for you."

P-"I'm not outside yet."


T- "What?!"

P- "Oh, yeah, I had a couple more floors."


T- "Oh, well come out right now."


I was about to, I swear, but I heard a scream. So, of course, I ran to it. The next few moments went by in a blur, but the next thing I remember is finding the person who was screaming. It was a young girl about age 7.


oh shit. I sprinted to the girl, running as fast as possible. I grabbed her by the waist and booked it. By my calculations, which were a bit rushed as you may imagine, I would be able to yeet her out the door, but not escape by the time the bomb blew. My calculations were wrong.


The explosions could've been heard around the world. In a single instant, millions of pieces of debris rained down. I did my best to cover the girl with my body, and in the process got hit with several pieces of debris. By the time most of the dust had cleared, I was crouched over the girl, carrying a very large piece of concrete on my back. Several of Tony's machines were scattered around us.

T- "Peter?"

Tony's voice crackling through the speakers felt like heaven to Peter. It meant they could be saved.

P-" Hello. A little girl was screaming. I had to go to help."

His sigh was very audible.

T-"Quick question: would she have been fine if you had not gone back in to help her?"

P- "Considering the fact that I am currently protecting her from being squashed to death by about 30 tons of concrete, I'd say no."

T-"What? Where are you-"

The comms cut out, and as much as I tried I couldn't reach Tony.

"Well, I guess we're going to have to fix this ourselves," I said to the little girl. She was silently crying but also looking at me in wonder. It was a strange combination. "Stay right here."

I let go of her and started pushing up on the chunk of concrete. It was pushing the limits of my superstrength, but eventually, I got it off of me. It fell to the floor with a loud thud, probably alerting the rest of the Avengers to my location. I grabbed the girl again but remembered something and I started walking toward the crowds of people waiting for her and me.

"I never got your name, you know."

"It's Aria, but everyone calls me Ari."


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