Spiderman's Identity

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One question: can you see who views your story?

so civil war happened but the team dosent know who he is

infinity war and endgame never happened (they broke me tbh)

Nobody knew who Spiderman was. He was always wearing his mask. He has talked to people about this so we know he does it to protect those he cares for. However, many people didn't trust him because they didn't know who was under the mask. One of these people was Nick Fury, Director of S.H.E.I.L.D.

"Ms. Hill call the Avengers to conference room 9."

"Of course, Director Fury."


The whole team was gathered in the room, for some, they have waited, others just go there. *cough*tony*cough* As they relaxed around the table Fury emerged from the shadows in a corner. (just like Coulson in agents of SHIELD) Nobody noticed him, so he cleared his throat. They all started but then calmed down when they realized it was Fury. Clint Barton, or Hawkeye, looked at him with a wide open mouth and a look of astonishment.

    "Close your mouth, Barton, you'll catch flies. Anyways I have a mission for you. It is to-"

    "But how? I am a trained spy and I didn't notice you there. You just walked out of the shadows! What is up with your shadow melt-y thing?"

    "Barton! I have a mission for the Avengers!" Fury was pissed and Clint looked terrified for his life. It was almost as bad as when Natasha was mad. "Your mission is to find Spiderman's identity. For various reasons, like in case, he goes rogue and we need, well we need some information on him to stop him. Do what you need to do to get this information." With that said he melted back into the shadows and disappeared.

    "Well. Um, let's review what we know. He always wears his mask. We are not really sure but he is about 5' 8". Oh yeah we know he is male." Steve wrote this all down before turning to look at the rest of the Avengers. "Hey Tony, if you could ask FRIDAY to alert us when Spider-Man is out that would be fantastic."

    "Already done, Capsicle."

------idk if I should put a time-skip here or nah------

    "Boss, Spider-man has been seen on his afternoon rounds."

    "Well we don't want to intimidate him so let's send me, Natasha, and Clint. that should be good."

    "Aye-Aye Captain! I think Natasha is too intimidating but no matter. "

    "Tony. When are you going to stop with the aye-aye business?"

    "Maybe never. Who knows?"

Peter's POV

    One of my favorite things in the whole universe is the feeling of the wind when I swing from building to building. Sometimes I wish I could take off my mask to enjoy the experience more. However, that wasn't an option. I made it to the building I usually use for surveillance. This time I wasn't alone.


    "God Bless America! What can I do for yah Cap?" Suddenly, I got a strange tingling on the back of my skull. There were two more people besides Steve Rogers.

    "I need to ask you something. I need the truth and if you can't supply that I may need to forcibly get the answer."

    "Well tell your friends to come out first." I was balancing on the edge of the roof, so I could get away fast if I needed to. Steve looked shocked that I knew there were more people there. Hawkeye and Black Widow slunk out of their hiding spots on the nearby rooftops. "Okay. Ask away."

    "Who are you?"

    "Getting personal aren't we Cap'n?"

    "It's vital for the protection of the people, in case you go rogue, that we know your identity."

    "I guess that's true. However, the more people that know who I am, the more likely someone will let it slip. I will tell one person, that is close to the Avengers, about my identity."

    "Sounds like a plan. Come with us right now and we will take you to Nick Fury. He's good with keeping secrets."

3rd person (kinda avengers)

    The crew walked up to the Avengers tower. Spider-man looked up at the top of the building like he had never been underneath it before. They walked inside and tried not to attract attention. It didn't work. they were 3 Avengers and Spider-man.

    "I called Fury and he said he is up in the lounge." Captain Amurrrricaaaaa said.

Peter's POV (i switch so much sorry)

They were in the lounge. There was chairs, loveseats, and sofas. Also, most of the Avengers were situated at various points in the room.

"Man of Spiders! My associates tell me you will reveal your identity to us!"

"Errr, no I will reveal my identity to Fury. So in case, I become a danger to society y'all can stop me easier. But on the plus side, fewer people will know who I am. That means less chance of a reveal to everyone."

They all nodded and gestured me to a door that stood in the corner of the room. I went inside and saw Nick Fury at the head of a long table.

"Welcome. And yes the walls are sound-proof so you have no fear of the Avengers overhearing. So were you going to tell me who you are?"

"uhh yeah," I took off my mask. Fury looked surprised, and by his usual demeanor, I assumed it was unusual. "My name is Peter Parker and I am 16 years old."

"That was.... unexpected. Mind telling me a little about your powers?"

"Well, I got the powers when I was (i don't really know) 13 years old. My powers include wall-crawling, enhanced stamina, reflexes, durability, metabolism, healing, and agility, as well as an early warning system the I call my spider sense." (i got that off google)

"Okay, well, I may call you for missions that will require your skill sets. Put your mask back on and crawl out the window."

"Wait, promise that you won't tell the Avengers!"

Fury nodded and smiled then went through the door to the lounge. I opened the window, crawled outside, and attached myself to the wall. I swung back to Aunt May's and my apartment.

Natasha POV

Fury walked into the room. We, the Avenger, all snapped to attention.

"So who is he? Will you tell us?" Clint basically screamed at the director.

"Come on! You have to tell me who my bug-buddy is!" Scott got up and ran over, making a begging motion with his hands.

"I will tell you a couple things." All heads turned and looked expectantly at Fury. "He is incredibly brave and a hell lot more powerful than I thought. Also, he may be joining us for missions that could use his skills." Fury looked around the room. He sighed. "Which shall remain unknown."

A collective sigh filled the air.

"Wait, wait! Did he tell you what happened that made him want to be a superhero?"


I am probably gonna to a part 2 where the last question is answered and the rest of the team learns who he is

also he may join the avengers

mebbe some irondad/spiderson

also i'm sorry about the crappy quality of my writing

im going on vacation so next week's update will be late

like rly late


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