Mama Spider!!!

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Most nights ended like this. Wrapped up in a huge blanket, cold on the inside, but too hot on the outside. Peter knew he was falling into a rut again, and he should get help, but he couldn't burden someone with his problems. 

He was in the avenger's tower, staring out the window, at the snow falling outside. Every time he closed his eyes, he would hear the groaning of the building above him, and the supports collapsing, and him getting crushed like a bug. He sees thing too, behind closed eyelids, that many his age wouldn't, no, couldn't, even dream of. 

Sometimes he feels unworthy of being part of the team. Maybe they all just pretended and they didn't want him here. So, instead of talking to them he sat in the corner of his room. 

He must've fallen asleep because the sky was pitch black. He was hungry though, so he started down to the kitchen. He looked at the clock on the way out and was extremely shocked to see that it was midnight. Not really. He does this a lot. He got the cereal out of the cupboard but dropped it when he noticed someone sitting at the bar. 

"What are you doing up this late?" A woman asked. It took Peter a couple of seconds to realize it was Natasha.

"I fell asleep at around 5 o'clock, and just woke up. Missed dinner."

"Would you like me to make you something?"

He shook his head, no. They fell into a comfortable silence where Natasha was studying Peter. She could see signs of crying, and falling asleep curled up in a blanket but not on the bed.

"We missed you in practice today."

Peter almost threw his cereal. They noticed he was gone? That was a good sign, right? Oh, he left them hanging, he could've done more. He could've been-

"It's quite alright though. Everyone needs a couple of days off." He relaxed, slightly, at her words. "You know, Peter, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask. I know you've had some bad experiences, most of us in this house have, but if you have a panic attack or nightmares, we can help."

"Thanks for the offer Ms. Romanoff but I'm fine. Really."


Almost a week later, I was in my room, and I was harmlessly looking out the window. I was looking at the buildings, trying to scope out my next photoshoot, when my eyes stumbled on to a neighborhood of warehouses. My breathing became heavy, and my eyes blurred with tears. Suddenly, I was back there, trapped under tons of debris, with no way out. 

After some time I heard a voice. 

"Peter? Please say something."

I gasped, and almost punched the person speaking to me in the face. "Wha- What's going on?"

"Peter, you were having a panic attack. A pretty bad one too, even by my standards. Listen, I don't know what you've been through but it's obviously bad, and if I may, do you have specific triggers? Maybe something I can tell the team to avoid? We do it for Steve, and Bucky too I guess, they both hate trains. Um, Bruce doesn't like green? Thor loves snakes, but I think they remind him of his brother."

"Warehouses. Small spaces. Being called Pedro. Sam's wingsuit is ok, it could be worse. At least it's not loud like his." I replied, having calmed down enough to realize it was Natasha. "I'm sorry if I woke you."

"Don't be, I was training."

"At this late? Even you need to sleep." 

She smiled and looked at me pointedly. "We both have things we need help with, I guess."

"I guess so, Ms. Romanoff."

"Call me мама паук."

"What does it mean?"

"Mama Spider, my little Паук младенца."

"Um, could you stay, just until I fall asleep?" When she didn't respond, I said hurriedly, "I mean you don't have to of course-"

"Of course." She sat on my bed next to me and laid by my side. "Паук младенца means baby spider." 

That was the last thing I head before I fell asleep.

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