Chapter 2: On Your Mark, Get Set, DUEL! (Cyberse vs Sector Security)

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[Playmaker is riding on his duel runner in Domino City. He is known for his monster, Encode Talker. He is enjoying a night ride when he gets a call from Yusei]

Playmaker: What's up?

[Yusei]: I need your help!

Playmaker: What's wrong?

[Yusei]: Rally is in trouble. He found a piece for my duel runner but apparently it was a tracker and now it's tracking my bike.

Playmaker: What do you want me to do?

[Yusei]: Trudge is on me. I need you to distract him.

Playmaker: On my way.

[Playmaker puts on his mask and becomes the Masked Man or what people call him now: Cyberse Master. He rides his duel runner and sees Trudge chasing Yusei. Cyberse Master's duel runner is the fastest there is and so he quickly cuts off Trudge from chasing after Yusei]

Trudge: What are you doing?

Cyberse Master: Helping a friend.

Trudge: So you're the famous Cyberse Master. The hero of the commoners and the entertainment of the topsiders.

Cyberse Master: That's quite a long name. I need to get it shortened.

Trudge: You know, there is a big reward for anyone who turns you in.

Cyberse Master: Well, I'll just have to make sure that you don't. Let's settle this though like we always do in this city.

Trudge: Very well.

[Cyberse master and Trudge ride up to the duel lane and start to ride with the Cyberse master racing ahead]

Trudge: I activate the field spell: Speed World Neo!

Cyberse Master: I always liked this field spell. It makes everything look really pretty.

[A helicopter appears and has a spotlight shine on them]

Cyberse Master: Looks like we have an audience. Let's put on a good show shall we?

[Meanwhile, in the commons...Yugo is running to find Rin]

Yugo: Rin, come on! You need to see this!

Rin: What is it?

Yugo: It's a duel between security and a common.

Rin: What's so special about it?

Yugo: The Cyberse Master is dueling!

Rin: Cyberse master! Get Playmaker. He will want to see this!

Yugo: I looked for him! I couldn't find him. He's probably already at the arena.

Rin: Then let's go!

[Back on the duel lane...Melissa Trail is reporting]

Melissa: We interrupt our regular scheduled programming to bring you a live duel between Sector Security and a common.

[The Cyberse Master blows Melissa a kiss who blushes]

Trudge: Enough flirting! Let's do this!

Cyberse Master: Let's rev it up!

Cyberse Master/Trudge: Let's duel!

Turn 1- Trudge

Cyberse Master- 4000 LP/ Trudge- 4000 LP

Cyberse Master- SPC- 0/ Trudge- SPC- 0

Trudge: I'll go first. My turn. I summon Assault Dog in ATK Mode!

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