Chapter 3: Creepy Crawlies (Cyberse vs Insect)

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[Playmaker is riding his duel runner as Rin times his speed. Playmaker speeds past and Rin stops the stopwatch. She has a big smile on her face]

Rin: That was your fastest run, Playmaker!

Playmaker: Good. I still don't think it's finished but it will do for now.

[Yugo comes running over]

Yugo: Playmaker!

Playmaker: What's up, Yugo?

Yugo: We need you!

Playmaker: Lead me.

[Playmaker arrives with Rin and Yugo. He sees Yusei arguing with Lenny]

Playmaker: Enough. What is this about?

[Lenny smiles when he sees Rin. He snaps his fingers and men appear. They grab Rin]

Rin: What are you doing? Let me go!

Playmaker: Rin!

[Playmaker runs straight to Rin only for a gun to be pointed at him]

Lenny: Take one more step and she'll have a bullet through her head!

Playmaker: Lenny, what is the meaning of this?

Lenny: Yusei won't duel me so I have to spice things up. I want his duel runner. People from Satellite don't deserve such luxuries.

Playmaker: You leave Rin out of this!

Lenny: Sorry. Only if Yusei beats me in a duel.

Playmaker: No. You will duel me.

Lenny: What do you have to offer?

Playmaker: What do you want?

Lenny: I want your runner, your deck, and Rin.

Playmaker: Why do you need, Rin?

Lenny: I need some way to have fun all the time.

[Playmaker's eyes glowed. Rin, Yusei, and Yugo notice this]

Rin: Playmaker, you need to calm down. I know you'll win. I'll be okay.

Playmaker: Fine. I accept your terms. Let's do this!

[Playmaker and Lenny prepare to duel. Yusei watches closely]

Yusei: (Thoughts) Playmaker has to win without revealing his secret. This might be a challenge.

Lenny: Last chance to back out.

Playmaker: That's my line. Let's rev it up!

Playmaker/Lenny: Duel.

Turn 1- Playmaker

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Lenny- 4000 LP

Playmaker: I'll start. My turn. I place a card face down. Now since I control no monsters, I can special summon Linkslayer from my hand.

Linkslayer: Level 5- 2000 ATK/ 600 DEF

Playmaker: Turn end.

Turn 2- Lenny

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Lenny- 4000 LP

Lenny: Is that all? How pathetic! My turn. I draw! I summon Pinch Hopper in ATK Mode!

Pinch Hopper: Level 4- 1000 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Lenny: Now I activate the spell: Insect Costume! I send one insect monster from my hand to add one insect monster from my deck to my hand. Now the second effect of my spell activates. It destroys Pinch Hopper. I now activate Pinch Hopper's special ability! When it's sent to the Graveyard, I can special summon one insect monster from my hand. I summon Metal Armored Bug in ATK Mode!

Metal Armored Bug- Level 8- 2800 ATK/ 1500 DEF

Lenny: Now I activate the special ability of my Doom Dozer! By banishing two insect monsters in my Graveyard, I can special summon this monster from my hand!

Doom Dozer: Level 8- 2800 ATK/ 2600 DEF

[Everyone gasps]

Lenny: Get ready, Rin, because your boyfriend is about to lose and then I'll do whatever I want to you!

[Playmaker's eyes glow again]

Rin: Playmaker, please calm down.

[Playmaker sighs]

Lenny: Time to end this! Doom Dozer, attack Linkslayer!

Playmaker: Trap card, open: Mirror Force! Now both of your monsters are destroyed!

Lenny: What! No!

Playmaker: You're so predictable, Lenny. I knew you would go big from the start.

Lenny: Whatever. I end my turn.

Turn 3- Playmaker

Playmaker- 4000 LP/ Lenny- 4000 LP

Playmaker: Time to end this. My turn. Draw. I summon Launcher Commander in ATK Mode!

Launcher Commander: Level 4- 1700 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Playmaker: Now since I control two monsters of the same kind, I can special summon Cyberse White Hat.

Cyberse White Hat: Level 6- 1800 ATK/ 2400 DEF

Playmaker: Launcher Commander's effect activates! All other Cyberse Monsters gain 300 ATK.

Linkslayer- 2000 ATK - - -> 2300 ATK

Cyberse White Hat- 1800 ATK - - -> 2100 ATK

Playmaker: Time to end this! Battle! Linkslayer, attack directly! Meteor Brake!

Lenny: Ahh!

Lenny- 4000 LP - - -> 1700 LP

PLAYMAKER: Cyberse White Hat, attack directly and end this duel!

Lenny: Ahh!

Lenny- 1700 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Playmaker

[The duel ends but the man doesn't let Rin go]

Lenny: Very nice. You can keep your runner and your deck but the girl still comes with me!

Playmaker: I don't think so!

[Playmaker's eyes glow and suddenly Encode Talker appears along with shadow of another monster causing the captor to stare in fear. Since he was distracted, Rin is able to get away. She runs over to Playmaker and wraps her arms around him]

Rin: You can calm down now. I'm safe.

[Playmaker's aura disappears. Lenny and his gang run away in fear. Playmaker faces Rin]

Playmaker: I'm sorry. I almost lost control.

Rin: You didn't so it's okay.

Playmaker: I'm tired. I going to take a nap.

[Playmaker heads to his room. Yugo stands beside Rin]

Yugo: He's not telling us something. Why did Encode Talker appear along with another monster?

Rin: He'll tell us when he's ready.

Cyberse Master (Yu-Gi-Oh Story) Book 3 (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now